Элиот Стэннард  (Eliot Stannard)
Элиот Стэннард / Eliot Stannard Элиот Стэннард / Eliot Stannard
Место рождения:
Англия, Великобритания
Дата рождения:
01.01.1888 (козерог [яблоня] • жёлтая крыса)
Дата смерти:
актёр, режиссёр, сценарий, продюсер
Другие имена: David Lestrang

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1914 Beautiful Jim []
Beautiful Jim  (... )  [сценарий]
2. 1914 Bells of Rheims, The []
Bells of Rheims, The  (... )  [сценарий]
3. 1914 Courage of a Coward, The []
Courage of a Coward, The  (... )  [режиссёр, сценарий]
4. 1914 Her Luck in London []
Her Luck in London  (... )  [сценарий]
5. 1914 Idol of Paris, The []
Idol of Paris, The  (... )  [сценарий]
6. 1914 It's a Long Long Way to Tipperary []
It's a Long Long Way to Tipperary  (... )  [сценарий]
7. 1914 Sound of Her Voice, The []
Sound of Her Voice, The  (... )  [сценарий]
8. 1915 Florence Nightingale []
Florence Nightingale  (... )  [сценарий]
9. 1915 From Shopgirl to Duchess []
From Shopgirl to Duchess  (... )  [сценарий]
10. 1915 Grip []
Grip  (... Charles X,)  [актёр, сценарий]
11. 1915 Her Nameless Child []
Her Nameless Child  (... )  [сценарий]
12. 1915 Honeymoon for Three []
Honeymoon for Three  (... )  [сценарий]
13. 1915 London's Yellow Peril []
London's Yellow Peril  (... )  [сценарий]
14. 1915 Mystery of a Hansom Cab, The []
Mystery of a Hansom Cab, The  (... )  [сценарий]
15. 1915 There's Good in Everyone []
There's Good in Everyone  (... )  [сценарий]
16. 1916 A Soldier and a Man []
A Soldier and a Man  (... )  [сценарий]
17. 1916 Fatal Fingers []
Fatal Fingers  (... )  [режиссёр, сценарий]
18. 1916 Jimmy []
Jimmy  (... )  [режиссёр, сценарий]
19. 1917 Flames []
Flames  (... )  [сценарий]
20. 1917 Gay Lord Quex, The []
Gay Lord Quex, The  (... )  [сценарий]
21. 1917 Justice []
Justice  (... )  [сценарий]
22. 1917 Laughing Cavalier, The []
Laughing Cavalier, The  (... )  [режиссёр, сценарий, продюсер]
23. 1917 Mary Girl []
Mary Girl  (... )  [сценарий]
24. 1917 Profit and the Loss []
Profit and the Loss  (... )  [режиссёр]
25. 1917 Tom Jones []
Tom Jones  (... )  [сценарий]
26. 1917 When Paris Sleeps []
When Paris Sleeps  (... )  [сценарий]
27. 1918 Bonnie Mary []
Bonnie Mary  (... )  [сценарий]
28. 1918 God and the Man []
God and the Man  (... )  [сценарий]
29. 1918 Goodbye []
Goodbye  (... )  [сценарий]
30. 1918 Hindle Wakes []
Hindle Wakes  (... )  [сценарий]
31. 1918 Nelson []
Nelson  (... )  [сценарий]
32. 1918 Red Pottage []
Red Pottage  (... )  [сценарий]
33. 1919 A Non-conformist Parson []
A Non-conformist Parson  (... )  [сценарий]
34. 1919 A Smart Set []
A Smart Set  (... )  [сценарий]
35. 1919 Artistic Temperament, The []
Artistic Temperament, The  (... )  [сценарий]
36. 1919 Dombey and Son []
Dombey and Son  (... )  [сценарий]
37. 1919 Her Cross []
Her Cross  (... )  [сценарий]
38. 1919 Patricia Brent, Spinster []
Patricia Brent, Spinster  (... )  [сценарий]
39. 1919 Starting Point, The []
Starting Point, The  (... )  [сценарий]
40. 1919 Toilers, The []
Toilers, The  (... )  [сценарий]
41. 1920 Build Thy House []
Build Thy House  (... )  [сценарий]
42. 1920 Ernest Maltravers []
Ernest Maltravers  (... )  [сценарий]
43. 1920 General Post []
General Post  (... )  [сценарий]
44. 1920 Lady Audley's Secret []
Lady Audley's Secret  (... )  [сценарий]
45. 1920 Manchester Man, The []
Manchester Man, The  (... )  [сценарий]
46. 1920 Mr. Gilfil's Love Story []
Mr. Gilfil's Love Story  (... )  [сценарий]
47. 1920 Silver Bridge, The []
Silver Bridge, The  (... )  [сценарий]
48. 1920 Torn Sails []
Torn Sails  (... )  [сценарий]
49. 1920 Wuthering Heights []
Wuthering Heights  (... адаптация)  [сценарий]
50. 1921 Adventures of Mr. Pickwick, The []
Adventures of Mr. Pickwick, The  (... )  [сценарий]
51. 1921 Bachelor's Club, The []
Bachelor's Club, The  (... )  [сценарий]
52. 1921 Belphegor the Mountebank []
Belphegor the Mountebank  (... )  [сценарий]
53. 1921 De heldendaad van Peter Wells []
De heldendaad van Peter Wells  (... )  [сценарий]
54. 1921 Dick's Fairy []
Dick's Fairy  (... )  [сценарий]
55. 1921 Handy Andy []
Handy Andy  (... )  [сценарий]
56. 1921 Her Penalty []
Her Penalty  (... )  [сценарий]
57. 1921 Money []
Money  (... )  [сценарий]
58. 1921 Old Country, The []
Old Country, The  (... )  [сценарий]
59. 1921 Prince and the Beggarmaid, The []
Prince and the Beggarmaid, The  (... )  [сценарий]
60. 1921 Squibs []
Squibs  (... )  [сценарий]
61. 1921 Will, The []
Will, The  (... )  [сценарий]
62. 1922 A Master of Craft []
A Master of Craft  (... )  [сценарий]
63. 1922 A Sailor Tramp []
A Sailor Tramp  (... )  [сценарий]
64. 1922 Card, The []
Card, The  (... )  [сценарий]
65. 1922 Mord Em'ly []
Mord Em'ly  (... )  [сценарий]
66. 1922 Pauper Millionaire, The []
Pauper Millionaire, The  (... )  [сценарий]
67. 1923 Audacious Mr. Squire, The []
Audacious Mr. Squire, The  (... )  [сценарий]
68. 1923 Battle of Love, The []
Battle of Love, The  (... )  [сценарий]
69. 1923 Becket []
Becket  (... )  [сценарий]
70. 1923 Bells, The []
Bells, The  (... )  [сценарий]
71. 1923 Courage of Despair, The []
Courage of Despair, The  (... )  [сценарий]
72. 1923 Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight []
Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight  (... )  [сценарий]
73. 1923 Dream of Eugene Aram, The []
Dream of Eugene Aram, The  (... )  [сценарий]
74. 1923 Fair Maid of Perth, The []
Fair Maid of Perth, The  (... )  [сценарий]
75. 1923 Falstaff the Tavern Knight []
Falstaff the Tavern Knight  (... )  [сценарий]
76. 1923 Harbour Lights, The []
Harbour Lights, The  (... )  [сценарий]
77. 1923 Heartstrings []
Heartstrings  (... )  [сценарий]
78. 1923 Henrietta Maria; or, The Queen of Sorrow []
Henrietta Maria; or, The Queen of Sorrow  (... )  [сценарий]
79. 1923 Hutch Stirs 'em Up []
Hutch Stirs 'em Up  (... )  [сценарий]
80. 1923 Hypocrites, The []
Hypocrites, The  (... )  [сценарий]
81. 1923 Lady Jane Grey; Or, The Court of Intrigue []
Lady Jane Grey; Or, The Court of Intrigue  (... )  [сценарий]
82. 1923 Last Stake, The []
Last Stake, The  (... )  [сценарий]
83. 1923 Love in an Attic []
Love in an Attic  (... )  [сценарий]
84. 1923 Lucrezia Borgia; Or, Plaything of Power []
Lucrezia Borgia; Or, Plaything of Power  (... )  [сценарий]
85. 1923 Madame Recamier; Or, The Price of Virtue []
Madame Recamier; Or, The Price of Virtue  (... )  [сценарий]
86. 1923 Mistletoe Bough, The []
Mistletoe Bough, The  (... )  [сценарий]
87. 1923 Paddy the Next Best Thing []
Paddy the Next Best Thing  (... )  [сценарий]
88. 1923 Romany, The []
Romany, The  (... )  [сценарий]
89. 1923 School for Scandal, The []
School for Scandal, The  (... )  [сценарий]
90. 1923 Scrooge []
Scrooge  (... )  [сценарий]
91. 1923 Secret Mission []
Secret Mission  (... )  [сценарий]
92. 1923 Shadow of Death []
Shadow of Death  (... )  [сценарий]
93. 1923 She Stoops to Conquer []
She Stoops to Conquer  (... )  [сценарий]
94. 1923 Simone Evrard; Or, Deathless Devotion []
Simone Evrard; Or, Deathless Devotion  (... )  [сценарий]
95. 1923 Sins of the Father, The []
Sins of the Father, The  (... )  [сценарий]
96. 1923 Taming of the Shrew, The []
Taming of the Shrew, The  (... )  [сценарий]
97. 1923 Test, The []
Test, The  (... )  [сценарий]
98. 1923 Through Fire and Water []
Through Fire and Water  (... )  [сценарий]
99. 1923 Velvet Woman, The []
Velvet Woman, The  (... )  [сценарий]
100. 1924 Chappy: That's All []
Chappy: That's All  (... )  [сценарий]
101. 1924 Colleen Bawn, The []
Colleen Bawn, The  (... )  [сценарий]
102. 1924 Diamond Man, The []
Diamond Man, The  (... )  [сценарий]
103. 1924 Gay Corinthian, The []
Gay Corinthian, The  (... )  [сценарий]
104. 1924 Happy Prisoner, The []
Happy Prisoner, The  (... )  [сценарий]
105. 1924 Hurricane Hutch in Many Adventures []
Hurricane Hutch in Many Adventures  (... )  [сценарий]
106. 1924 Love and Hate []
Love and Hate  (... )  [сценарий]
107. 1924 Nets of Destiny []
Nets of Destiny  (... )  [сценарий]
108. 1924 Wanted, a Boy []
Wanted, a Boy  (... )  [сценарий]
109. 1925 Lady in Furs, The []
Lady in Furs, The  (... )  [сценарий]
110. 1925 Lady in High Heels, The []
Lady in High Heels, The  (... )  [сценарий]
111. 1925 Lady in Jewels, The []
Lady in Jewels, The  (... )  [сценарий]
112. 1925 Lady in Lace, The []
Lady in Lace, The  (... )  [сценарий]
113. 1925 Lady in Silk Stockings, The []
Lady in Silk Stockings, The  (... )  [сценарий]
114. 1925 Painted Lady, The []
Painted Lady, The  (... )  [сценарий]
115. 1925 Settled Out of Court []
Settled Out of Court  (... )  [сценарий]
116. 1925 Сад наслаждений ../../ctrls/uk_big.png ../../ctrls/de_big.png
Pleasure Garden, The  (... )  [сценарий]
117. 1926 Broadcasting []
Broadcasting  (... )  [сценарий]
118. 1926 Clue of the Oak Leaf, The []
Clue of the Oak Leaf, The  (... )  [сценарий]
119. 1926 Copper Cylinder, The []
Copper Cylinder, The  (... )  [сценарий]
120. 1926 Curse of Ravenscroft, The []
Curse of Ravenscroft, The  (... )  [сценарий]
121. 1926 Home Construction []
Home Construction  (... )  [сценарий]
122. 1926 How I Began []
How I Began  (... )  [сценарий]
123. 1926 Listening In []
Listening In  (... )  [сценарий]
124. 1926 Loud Speaker, The []
Loud Speaker, The  (... )  [сценарий]
125. 1926 Moon Diamond, The []
Moon Diamond, The  (... )  [сценарий]
126. 1926 Oscillation []
Oscillation  (... )  [сценарий]
127. 1926 River House Mystery, The []
River House Mystery, The  (... )  [сценарий]
128. 1926 White Heat []
White Heat  (... )  [сценарий]
129. 1926 Горный орел []
Mountain Eagle, The  (... )  [сценарий]
130. 1927 Blighty []
Blighty  (... )  [сценарий]
131. 1927 Locked Door, The []
Locked Door, The  (... )  [сценарий]
132. 1927 Motoring []
Motoring  (... )  [сценарий]
133. 1927 Ринг ../../ctrls/uk_big.png
Ring, The  (... )  [сценарий]
134. 1927 По наклонной плоскости ../../ctrls/uk_big.png
Downhill  (... адаптация)  [сценарий]
135. 1927 Квартирант ../../ctrls/uk_big.png
Lodger, The  (... )  [сценарий]
136. 1928 Not Quite a Lady []
Not Quite a Lady  (... )  [сценарий]
137. 1928 Sailors Don't Care []
Sailors Don't Care  (... )  [сценарий]
138. 1928 Tommy Atkins []
Tommy Atkins  (... )  [сценарий]
139. 1928 Vortex, The []
Vortex, The  (... )  [сценарий]
140. 1928 Лёгкое поведение ../../ctrls/uk_big.png
Easy Virtue  (... )  [сценарий]
141. 1928 Жена фермера ../../ctrls/uk_big.png
Farmer's Wife, The  (... адаптация)  [сценарий]
142. 1928 Шампанское ../../ctrls/uk_big.png
Champagne  (... )  [сценарий]
143. 1929 American Prisoner, The []
American Prisoner, The  (... )  [сценарий]
144. 1929 Hate Ship, The []
Hate Ship, The  (... )  [сценарий]
145. 1929 Sailors Don't Care []
Sailors Don't Care  (... )  [сценарий]
146. 1929 Человек с острова Мэн ../../ctrls/uk_big.png
Manxman, The  (... )  [сценарий]
147. 1931 A Safe Affair []
A Safe Affair  (... )  [сценарий]
148. 1931 Officer's Mess, The []
Officer's Mess, The  (... )  [сценарий]
149. 1932 Above Rubies []
Above Rubies  (... )  [сценарий]
150. 1933 To Brighton with Gladys []
To Brighton with Gladys  (... )  [сценарий]

в библиотеку
Селена Центр Дракон
