Анна К. Нилссон  (Anna Q. Nilsson)
Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson Анна К. Нилссон / Anna Q. Nilsson
Место рождения:
Истад, Швеция
Дата рождения:
30.03.1888 (овен [орешник] • жёлтая крыса)
Дата смерти:
1.70 м.
Гай Кумбс (развод).
Другие имена: Anna Nilsso

• Полное имя — Анна Кирентия Нилcсон.
• Актриса родилась в день Святого Кирентия. Отсюда она и получила своё второе имя.
• В 1907 году Нилcсон назвали «Самой красивой девушкой Америки».
• В 1925 году, во время съемок очередного фильма актриса упала с лошади, неудачно приземлилась на камень и получила тяжелые ранения позвоночника. Она была парализована, но смогла снова ходить после года лечения в Европе.
• Актриса умерла от сердечной недостаточности.
• Нилcсон стала первой шведской актрисой, которая получила звезду на Аллее Славы в Лос-Анджелесе.

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1911 Flash in the Night, The []
Flash in the Night, The  (... Kate)  [актёр]
2. 1911 Molly Pitcher []
Molly Pitcher  (... Molly Pitcher)  [актёр]
3. 1912 A Race with Time []
A Race with Time  (... )  [актёр]
4. 1912 A Railroad Lochinvar []
A Railroad Lochinvar  (... Peggy)  [актёр]
5. 1912 Battle in the Virginia Hills []
Battle in the Virginia Hills  (... )  [актёр]
6. 1912 Battle of Pottsburg Bridge []
Battle of Pottsburg Bridge  (... )  [актёр]
7. 1912 Bugler of Battery B, The []
Bugler of Battery B, The  (... Miss Colwell)  [актёр]
8. 1912 Colonel's Escape, The []
Colonel's Escape, The  (... )  [актёр]
9. 1912 Confederate Ironclad, The []
Confederate Ironclad, The  (... Elinor)  [актёр]
10. 1912 Darling of the CSA, The []
Darling of the CSA, The  (... Agnes Lane)  [актёр]
11. 1912 Drummer Girl of Vicksburg, The []
Drummer Girl of Vicksburg, The  (... )  [актёр]
12. 1912 Farm Bully, The []
Farm Bully, The  (... )  [актёр]
13. 1912 Fighting Dan McCool []
Fighting Dan McCool  (... )  [актёр]
14. 1912 Filibusterers, The []
Filibusterers, The  (... Anita)  [актёр]
15. 1912 Fraud at the Hope Mine, The []
Fraud at the Hope Mine, The  (... )  [актёр]
16. 1912 Girl in the Caboose, The []
Girl in the Caboose, The  (... )  [актёр]
17. 1912 Grit of the Girl Telegrapher, The []
Grit of the Girl Telegrapher, The  (... Betty)  [актёр]
18. 1912 His Mother's Picture []
His Mother's Picture  (... )  [актёр]
19. 1912 Pony Express Girl, The []
Pony Express Girl, The  (... )  [актёр]
20. 1912 Prison Ship, The []
Prison Ship, The  (... Ruth Carpenter)  [актёр]
21. 1912 Saved from Court Martial []
Saved from Court Martial  (... )  [актёр]
22. 1912 Siege of Petersburg, The []
Siege of Petersburg, The  (... Charlotte Pemberton - their daughter)  [актёр]
23. 1912 Soldier Brothers of Susanna, The []
Soldier Brothers of Susanna, The  (... )  [актёр]
24. 1912 Tide of Battle []
Tide of Battle  (... )  [актёр]
25. 1912 Toll Gate Raiders, The []
Toll Gate Raiders, The  (... )  [актёр]
26. 1912 Two Spies []
Two Spies  (... )  [актёр]
27. 1912 Under a Flag of Truce []
Under a Flag of Truce  (... Rose Neville)  [актёр]
28. 1912 Victim of Circumstances []
Victim of Circumstances  (... )  [актёр]
29. 1912 War's Havoc []
War's Havoc  (... Jennie McPherson - Mrs. Faulkner)  [актёр]
30. 1912 Water Rights War, The []
Water Rights War, The  (... )  [актёр]
31. 1913 A Desperate Chance []
A Desperate Chance  (... )  [актёр]
32. 1913 A Man in the World of Men []
A Man in the World of Men  (... )  [актёр]
33. 1913 A Mississippi Tragedy []
A Mississippi Tragedy  (... Martha Calhoun - the Planter's Daughter)  [актёр]
34. 1913 A Sawmill Hazard []
A Sawmill Hazard  (... )  [актёр]
35. 1913 A Treacherous Shot []
A Treacherous Shot  (... )  [актёр]
36. 1913 Battle of Bloody Ford, The []
Battle of Bloody Ford, The  (... )  [актёр]
37. 1913 Breath of Scandal, The []
Breath of Scandal, The  (... Mary Lane - The Village Teacher)  [актёр]
38. 1913 Captured by Strategy []
Captured by Strategy  (... )  [актёр]
39. 1913 Counterfeiter's Confederate, The []
Counterfeiter's Confederate, The  (... Marion Purdy / May Brown)  [актёр]
40. 1913 Fatal Legacy, The []
Fatal Legacy, The  (... Anna Halleck - Harry's Wife)  [актёр]
41. 1913 Grim Toll of War, The []
Grim Toll of War, The  (... Mrs. Douglas - The Colonel's Wife)  [актёр]
42. 1913 Gypsy's Brand, The []
Gypsy's Brand, The  (... Robar - the Gypsy Girl)  [актёр]
43. 1913 Infamous Don Miguel, The []
Infamous Don Miguel, The  (... Undetermined Role)  [актёр]
44. 1913 John Burns of Gettysburg []
John Burns of Gettysburg  (... Bess burns - Tom's Wife)  [актёр]
45. 1913 Prisoners of War []
Prisoners of War  (... Mrs. Edwin Worth)  [актёр]
46. 1913 Retribution []
Retribution  (... Imogene - a Flirt)  [актёр]
47. 1913 Shenandoah []
Shenandoah  (... Gertrude Illingham)  [актёр]
48. 1913 Shipwrecked []
Shipwrecked  (... Patricia Jelds - the Daughter)  [актёр]
49. 1913 Turning Point, The []
Turning Point, The  (... )  [актёр]
50. 1913 Uncle Tom's Cabin []
Uncle Tom's Cabin  (... Eliza - a Runaway Slave)  [актёр]
51. 1914 A Diamond in the Rough []
A Diamond in the Rough  (... Valeria)  [актёр]
52. 1914 A Shot in the Night []
A Shot in the Night  (... Laura Trent - the Step-Mother)  [актёр]
53. 1914 Ex-Convict, The []
Ex-Convict, The  (... Marjorie Pelton - Richard's Wife)  [актёр]
54. 1914 Hazards of Helen, The []
Hazards of Helen, The  (... Helen [Ch. 18])  [актёр]
55. 1914 Man in the Vault, The []
Man in the Vault, The  (... Evelyn Van Pelt)  [актёр]
56. 1914 Man with the Glove, The []
Man with the Glove, The  (... )  [актёр]
57. 1914 Perils of the White Lights []
Perils of the White Lights  (... Annabelle - a Young Showgirl)  [актёр]
58. 1914 Regeneration []
Regeneration  (... )  [актёр]
59. 1914 Secret of the Will, The []
Secret of the Will, The  (... Sarah Lane - the Wife)  [актёр]
60. 1914 Tell-Tale Stains []
Tell-Tale Stains  (... Mary Macey - Burke's Assistant)  [актёр]
61. 1914 Wolfe; Or, The Conquest of Quebec []
Wolfe; Or, The Conquest of Quebec  (... Mignon Mars)  [актёр]
62. 1915 A Sister's Burden []
A Sister's Burden  (... Ida - Nathanial's Wife)  [актёр]
63. 1915 Barbara Frietchie []
Barbara Frietchie  (... Sue Negly)  [актёр]
64. 1915 Barriers Swept Aside []
Barriers Swept Aside  (... Natalie Thorpe - the Wife)  [актёр]
65. 1915 Destroyer, The []
Destroyer, The  (... Helen Vedrine)  [актёр]
66. 1915 Game of Life, The []
Game of Life, The  (... Ilma Stern, как Anna Nilsson)  [актёр]
67. 1915 Haunted House of Wild Isle, The []
Haunted House of Wild Isle, The  (... Ann Miller - the Doctor's Ward)  [актёр]
68. 1915 Haunting Fear, The []
Haunting Fear, The  (... Diana - an Adventuress)  [актёр]
69. 1915 Hiding from the Law []
Hiding from the Law  (... Rita - Jacques' Wife)  [актёр]
70. 1915 In the Hands of the Jury []
In the Hands of the Jury  (... Lenore Butler - the Daughter)  [актёр]
71. 1915 Night of the Embassy Ball, The []
Night of the Embassy Ball, The  (... Nora, the Maid)  [актёр]
72. 1915 Night Operator at Buxton, The []
Night Operator at Buxton, The  (... Helen)  [актёр]
73. 1915 Regeneration []
Regeneration  (... Marie 'Mamie Rose' Deering)  [актёр]
74. 1915 Rivals []
Rivals  (... Sally Dixon - Lee's Sweetheart)  [актёр]
75. 1915 Second Commandment, The []
Second Commandment, The  (... Mirza - Sahki's Wife)  [актёр]
76. 1915 Siren's Reign, The []
Siren's Reign, The  (... Marguerite Morrison - The Other Woman)  [актёр]
77. 1915 Voices in the Dark []
Voices in the Dark  (... Ethel Granger - the Daughter)  [актёр]
78. 1916 Her Surrender []
Her Surrender  (... Rhoda Cortlandt)  [актёр]
79. 1916 Puppets of Fate []
Puppets of Fate  (... )  [актёр]
80. 1916 Scarlet Road, The []
Scarlet Road, The  (... Betty Belgrave)  [актёр]
81. 1916 Sowing the Wind []
Sowing the Wind  (... )  [актёр]
82. 1916 Supreme Sacrifice, The []
Supreme Sacrifice, The  (... Helen Chambers)  [актёр]
83. 1916 Tight Rein, The []
Tight Rein, The  (... )  [актёр]
84. 1917 Inevitable, The []
Inevitable, The  (... Florence Grey)  [актёр]
85. 1917 Infidelity []
Infidelity  (... Elaine Bernard)  [актёр]
86. 1917 Moral Code, The []
Moral Code, The  (... Jean Hyland)  [актёр]
87. 1917 Over There []
Over There  (... Bettie Adams)  [актёр]
88. 1917 Seven Keys to Baldpate []
Seven Keys to Baldpate  (... Mary Norton)  [актёр]
89. 1917 Silent Master, The []
Silent Master, The  (... Undetermined Role)  [актёр]
90. 1918 Heart of the Sunset []
Heart of the Sunset  (... Alaire Austin)  [актёр]
91. 1918 In Judgment of... []
In Judgment of...  (... Mary Manners)  [актёр]
92. 1918 No Man's Land []
No Man's Land  (... Katherine Gresham)  [актёр]
93. 1918 Trail to Yesterday, The []
Trail to Yesterday, The  (... Sheila Langford)  [актёр]
94. 1918 Vanity Pool, The []
Vanity Pool, The  (... Carol Harper)  [актёр]
95. 1919 A Sporting Chance []
A Sporting Chance  (... Pamela Brent)  [актёр]
96. 1919 A Very Good Young Man []
A Very Good Young Man  (... Viva Bacchus)  [актёр]
97. 1919 Cheating Cheaters []
Cheating Cheaters  (... Grace Palmer)  [актёр]
98. 1919 Her Kingdom of Dreams []
Her Kingdom of Dreams  (... Carlotta Stanmore)  [актёр]
99. 1919 Love Burglar, The []
Love Burglar, The  (... Joan Gray)  [актёр]
100. 1919 Ravished Armenia []
Ravished Armenia  (... Edith Graham)  [актёр]
101. 1919 Soldiers of Fortune []
Soldiers of Fortune  (... Alice Langham)  [актёр]
102. 1919 Venus in the East []
Venus in the East  (... Mrs. Pat Dyvenot)  [актёр]
103. 1919 Way of the Strong []
Way of the Strong  (... Audrie Hendrie / Monica Norton)  [актёр]
104. 1920 Brute Master, The []
Brute Master, The  (... Madeline Grey)  [актёр]
105. 1920 Fighting Chance, The []
Fighting Chance, The  (... Sylvia Landis)  [актёр]
106. 1920 Figurehead, The []
Figurehead, The  (... Mary Forbes)  [актёр]
107. 1920 In the Heart of a Fool []
In the Heart of a Fool  (... Margaret Muller)  [актёр]
108. 1920 Luck of the Irish, The []
Luck of the Irish, The  (... Ruth Warren)  [актёр]
109. 1920 One Hour Before Dawn []
One Hour Before Dawn  (... Ellen Aldrich)  [актёр]
110. 1920 Thirteenth Commandment, The []
Thirteenth Commandment, The  (... Leila Kip)  [актёр]
111. 1920 Toll Gate, The []
Toll Gate, The  (... Mary Brown)  [актёр]
112. 1921 Lotus Eater, The []
Lotus Eater, The  (... Madge Vance)  [актёр]
113. 1921 Oath, The []
Oath, The  (... Irene Lansing)  [актёр]
114. 1921 Ten Nights in a Bar Room []
Ten Nights in a Bar Room  (... )  [актёр]
115. 1921 Varmlanningarna []
Varmlanningarna  (... Anna)  [актёр]
116. 1921 What Women Will Do []
What Women Will Do  (... Lily Gibbs)  [актёр]
117. 1921 Why Girls Leave Home []
Why Girls Leave Home  (... Anna Hedder)  [актёр]
118. 1921 Without Limit []
Without Limit  (... Ember Edwards)  [актёр]
119. 1922 A Trip to Paramountown []
A Trip to Paramountown  (... играет саму себя)  [актёр]
120. 1922 Man from Home, The []
Man from Home, The  (... Genevieve Granger-Simpson)  [актёр]
121. 1922 Pink Gods []
Pink Gods  (... Lady Margot Cork)  [актёр]
122. 1922 Three Live Ghosts []
Three Live Ghosts  (... Ivis)  [актёр]
123. 1923 Adam's Rib []
Adam's Rib  (... Mrs. Michael Ramsay)  [актёр]
124. 1923 Enemies of Children []
Enemies of Children  (... )  [актёр]
125. 1923 Hearts Aflame []
Hearts Aflame  (... Helen Foraker)  [актёр]
126. 1923 Innocence []
Innocence  (... Fay Leslie)  [актёр]
127. 1923 Isle of Lost Ships, The []
Isle of Lost Ships, The  (... Dorothy Fairfax)  [актёр]
128. 1923 Ponjola []
Ponjola  (... Lady Flavia Desmond)  [актёр]
129. 1923 Rustle of Silk, The []
Rustle of Silk, The  (... Lady Feo)  [актёр]
130. 1923 Spoilers, The []
Spoilers, The  (... Cherry Malotte)  [актёр]
131. 1923 Thundering Dawn []
Thundering Dawn  (... Mary Rogers)  [актёр]
132. 1923 Varmlanningarna []
Varmlanningarna  (... Anna)  [актёр]
133. 1923 Голливуд []
Hollywood  (... играет саму себя, Cameo appearance)  [актёр]
134. 1923 Души для продажи ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Souls for Sale  (... играет саму себя - Celebrity Actress, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
135. 1924 Between Friends []
Between Friends  (... Jessica Drene)  [актёр]
136. 1924 Breath of Scandal, The []
Breath of Scandal, The  (... )  [актёр]
137. 1924 Broadway After Dark []
Broadway After Dark  (... Helen Tremaine)  [актёр]
138. 1924 Fire Patrol, The []
Fire Patrol, The  (... Mary Ferguson)  [актёр]
139. 1924 Flowing Gold []
Flowing Gold  (... Allegheny Briskow)  [актёр]
140. 1924 Half-a-Dollar Bill []
Half-a-Dollar Bill  (... The Stranger)  [актёр]
141. 1924 Hello, 'Frisco []
Hello, 'Frisco  (... играет саму себя)  [актёр]
142. 1924 Inez from Hollywood []
Inez from Hollywood  (... Inez Laranetta)  [актёр]
143. 1924 Judgment of the Storm, The []
Judgment of the Storm, The  (... )  [актёр]
144. 1924 Painted People []
Painted People  (... Leslie Carter)  [актёр]
145. 1924 Side Show of Life, The []
Side Show of Life, The  (... Lady Auriol Dayne)  [актёр]
146. 1924 Vanity's Price []
Vanity's Price  (... Vaana Du Maurier)  [актёр]
147. 1925 If I Marry Again []
If I Marry Again  (... Alicia Wingate)  [актёр]
148. 1925 One Way Street []
One Way Street  (... Lady Sylvia Hutton)  [актёр]
149. 1925 Splendid Road, The []
Splendid Road, The  (... Sandra De Hault)  [актёр]
150. 1925 Talker, The []
Talker, The  (... Kate Lennox)  [актёр]
151. 1925 Top of the World, The []
Top of the World, The  (... Sylvia Ingleton)  [актёр]
152. 1925 Winds of Chance []
Winds of Chance  (... Countess Courteau)  [актёр]
153. 1926 Greater Glory, The []
Greater Glory, The  (... Fanny)  [актёр]
154. 1926 Her Second Chance []
Her Second Chance  (... Mrs. Constance Lee / Caroline Logan)  [актёр]
155. 1926 Midnight Lovers []
Midnight Lovers  (... Diana Fothergill)  [актёр]
156. 1926 Miss Nobody []
Miss Nobody  (... Barbara Brown)  [актёр]
157. 1926 Too Much Money []
Too Much Money  (... Annabel Broadley)  [актёр]
158. 1927 Babe Comes Home []
Babe Comes Home  (... Vernie)  [актёр]
159. 1927 Easy Pickings []
Easy Pickings  (... Mry Ryan)  [актёр]
160. 1927 Lonesome Ladies []
Lonesome Ladies  (... Polly Fosdick)  [актёр]
161. 1927 Masked Woman, The []
Masked Woman, The  (... Diane Delatour)  [актёр]
162. 1927 Sorrell and Son []
Sorrell and Son  (... Dora Sorrell)  [актёр]
163. 1927 Thirteenth Juror, The []
Thirteenth Juror, The  (... Helen Marsden)  [актёр]
164. 1928 Blockade []
Blockade  (... Bess)  [актёр]
165. 1928 Whip, The []
Whip, The  (... Iris d'Aquila)  [актёр]
166. 1933 Мир меняется []
World Changes, The  (... Mrs. Peterson)  [актёр]
167. 1934 School for Girls []
School for Girls  (... Dr. Anne Galvin)  [актёр]
168. 1934 Маленький священник []
Little Minister, The  (... Villager, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
169. 1935 Wanderer of the Wasteland []
Wanderer of the Wasteland  (... Mrs. Virey)  [актёр]
170. 1937 Behind the Criminal []
Behind the Criminal  (... )  [актёр]
171. 1938 Prison Farm []
Prison Farm  (... Barricks Matron Ames)  [актёр]
172. 1938 Рай для троих ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Paradise for Three  (... First Bridge Player, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
173. 1941 Riders of the Timberline []
Riders of the Timberline  (... Donna Ryan)  [актёр]
174. 1941 Trial of Mary Dugan, The []
Trial of Mary Dugan, The  (... Juror, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
175. 1941 Народ против доктора Килдара []
People vs. Dr. Kildare, The  (... Juror Next to Foreman, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
176. 1941 Они умерли на своих постах ../../ctrls/us_big.png
They Died with Their Boots On  (... Mrs. Taipe, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
177. 1942 Girls' Town []
Girls' Town  (... Mother Lorraine)  [актёр]
178. 1942 I Live on Danger []
I Live on Danger  (... Mrs. Sherman)  [актёр]
179. 1942 Леди Великого человека []
Great Man's Lady, The  (... Paula Wales, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
180. 1942 Перекресток []
Crossroads  (... Madame Deval, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
181. 1943 Cry "Havoc" []
Cry "Havoc"  (... Nurse, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
182. 1943 Headin' for God's Country []
Headin' for God's Country  (... Mrs. Nilsson)  [актёр]
183. 1945 Sailor Takes a Wife, The []
Sailor Takes a Wife, The  (... Switchboard Operator, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
184. 1945 Долина решимости []
Valley of Decision, The  (... Mrs. Scott's Nurse, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
185. 1946 Тайное сердце []
Secret Heart, The  (... Dr. Rossiger's Secretary, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
186. 1947 It Had to Be You []
It Had to Be You  (... Saleslady, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
187. 1947 Дочь фермера []
Farmer's Daughter, The  (... Mrs. Holstrom)  [актёр]
188. 1947 Синтия []
Cynthia  (... Miss Brady, English Teacher)  [актёр]
189. 1948 Fighting Father Dunne []
Fighting Father Dunne  (... Mrs. Olaf Knudson)  [актёр]
190. 1948 Каждая девушка должна выйти замуж []
Every Girl Should Be Married  (... Saleslady)  [актёр]
191. 1948 Мальчик с зелеными волосами []
Boy with Green Hair, The  (... Townswoman, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
192. 1949 Fireside Theatre []
Fireside Theatre  (... )  [актёр]
193. 1949 Малайя []
Malaya  (... Secretary, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
194. 1949 Ребро Адама ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Adam's Rib  (... Mrs. Poynter, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
195. 1949 Старым добрым летом ../../ctrls/us_big.png
In the Good Old Summertime  (... Woman with harp, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
196. 1950 Большое похмелье []
Big Hangover, The  (... Helen Lang, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
197. 1950 Сансет бульвар ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Sunset Blvd.  (... играет саму себя)  [актёр]
198. 1951 Grounds for Marriage []
Grounds for Marriage  (... Dowager at Friday Club, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
199. 1951 Law and the Lady, The []
Law and the Lady, The  (... Mrs. Scholmm, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
200. 1951 Unknown Man, The []
Unknown Man, The  (... Cocktail Party Guest, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
201. 1951 Американец в Париже ../../ctrls/us_big.png
An American in Paris  (... Kay Jansen, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
202. 1951 Плавучий театр ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Show Boat  (... Seamstress, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
203. 1952 Fearless Fagan []
Fearless Fagan  (... Abby's Maid, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
204. 1952 Fireside Theatre []
Fireside Theatre  (... )  [актёр]
205. 1954 Великая кража алмаза []
Great Diamond Robbery, The  (... Nurse, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
206. 1954 Семь невест для семи братьев ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers  (... Mrs. Elcott, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
207. 1977 Поворотный пункт []
Turning Point, The  (... )  [актёр]

в библиотеку
Селена Центр Дракон
