Гарри Фон Метр  (Harry von Meter)
Гарри Фон Метр / Harry von Meter Гарри Фон Метр / Harry von Meter
Место рождения:
Malta Bend, Missouri, USA
Дата рождения:
29.03.1871 (овен [орешник] • белая овца)
Дата смерти:
Другие имена: Harry V. Meter; Harry Van Meteer; Harry Van Meter; Harry Von Meter; Harry van Mete

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1912 Ashes of Memory []
Ashes of Memory  (... )  [актёр]
2. 1912 Bandit of Tropico, The []
Bandit of Tropico, The  (... William Blake - the Bandit)  [актёр]
3. 1912 Belle of Bar-Z Ranch, The []
Belle of Bar-Z Ranch, The  (... Jack Howard)  [актёр]
4. 1912 Half-Breed's Way, The []
Half-Breed's Way, The  (... David Miller)  [актёр]
5. 1912 Maud Muller []
Maud Muller  (... Maud's Drunken Husband)  [актёр]
6. 1912 Power of Melody, The []
Power of Melody, The  (... )  [актёр]
7. 1913 A Forest Romance []
A Forest Romance  (... )  [актёр]
8. 1913 American Born []
American Born  (... )  [актёр]
9. 1913 An Assisted Proposal []
An Assisted Proposal  (... )  [актёр]
10. 1913 Calamity Anne Takes a Trip []
Calamity Anne Takes a Trip  (... Audience member in movie theater)  [актёр]
11. 1913 Calamity Anne's Dream []
Calamity Anne's Dream  (... )  [актёр]
12. 1913 For the Peace of Bear Valley []
For the Peace of Bear Valley  (... The Sheriff)  [актёр]
13. 1913 His First Case []
His First Case  (... Don McDonald)  [актёр]
14. 1913 Idol of Bonanza Camp, The []
Idol of Bonanza Camp, The  (... )  [актёр]
15. 1913 In the Mountains of Virginia []
In the Mountains of Virginia  (... )  [актёр]
16. 1913 Justice of the Wild []
Justice of the Wild  (... Joe)  [актёр]
17. 1913 Occult, The []
Occult, The  (... )  [актёр]
18. 1913 Personal Magnetism []
Personal Magnetism  (... )  [актёр]
19. 1913 Proof of the Man, The []
Proof of the Man, The  (... Norman, a Lost Prospector)  [актёр]
20. 1913 Rose of San Juan, The []
Rose of San Juan, The  (... )  [актёр]
21. 1913 Snake, The []
Snake, The  (... Captain Dan)  [актёр]
22. 1913 Trapped in a Forest Fire []
Trapped in a Forest Fire  (... )  [актёр]
23. 1914 'Pote Lariat' of the Flying A, The []
'Pote Lariat' of the Flying A, The  (... Walter Crandall)  [актёр]
24. 1914 A Blowout at Santa Banana []
A Blowout at Santa Banana  (... )  [актёр]
25. 1914 A Happy Coersion []
A Happy Coersion  (... )  [актёр]
26. 1914 A Man's Way []
A Man's Way  (... )  [актёр]
27. 1914 A Prince of Bohemia []
A Prince of Bohemia  (... John Carew, an artist)  [актёр]
28. 1914 A Story of Little Italy []
A Story of Little Italy  (... )  [актёр]
29. 1914 Aftermath, The []
Aftermath, The  (... )  [актёр]
30. 1914 Beyond the City []
Beyond the City  (... John Doran)  [актёр]
31. 1914 Billy's Rival []
Billy's Rival  (... Thomas Day)  [актёр]
32. 1914 Break, Break, Break []
Break, Break, Break  (... Squire Moore, wealth land owner)  [актёр]
33. 1914 Business Versus Love []
Business Versus Love  (... )  [актёр]
34. 1914 Call of the Traumerei, The []
Call of the Traumerei, The  (... )  [актёр]
35. 1914 Cameo of the Yellowstone, The []
Cameo of the Yellowstone, The  (... )  [актёр]
36. 1914 Certainty of Man, The []
Certainty of Man, The  (... Pennington the postmaster)  [актёр]
37. 1914 Cocoon and the Butterfly, The []
Cocoon and the Butterfly, The  (... )  [актёр]
38. 1914 Coming of the Padres, The []
Coming of the Padres, The  (... )  [актёр]
39. 1914 Cricket on the Hearth, The []
Cricket on the Hearth, The  (... John Perrybingle)  [актёр]
40. 1914 Crucible, The []
Crucible, The  (... )  [актёр]
41. 1914 David Gray's Estate []
David Gray's Estate  (... )  [актёр]
42. 1914 Destinies Fulfilled []
Destinies Fulfilled  (... Frank)  [актёр]
43. 1914 Does It End Rightae []
Does It End Rightae  (... )  [актёр]
44. 1914 Feast and Famine []
Feast and Famine  (... )  [актёр]
45. 1914 His Faith in Humanity []
His Faith in Humanity  (... Robert Sands)  [актёр]
46. 1914 In the Candlelight []
In the Candlelight  (... Marian's father)  [актёр]
47. 1914 In the Open []
In the Open  (... Mendez, a rascally Mexican)  [актёр]
48. 1914 Jail Birds []
Jail Birds  (... Harry Dupree, a crook)  [актёр]
49. 1914 Last Supper, The []
Last Supper, The  (... )  [актёр]
50. 1914 Lost Sermon, The []
Lost Sermon, The  (... )  [актёр]
51. 1914 Metamorphosis []
Metamorphosis  (... Arthur Gregson)  [актёр]
52. 1914 Nature's Touch []
Nature's Touch  (... )  [актёр]
53. 1914 Navy Aviator, The []
Navy Aviator, The  (... )  [актёр]
54. 1914 Oath of Pierre, The []
Oath of Pierre, The  (... Papineau, friend of Pierre)  [актёр]
55. 1914 Old Enough to Be Her Grandpa []
Old Enough to Be Her Grandpa  (... )  [актёр]
56. 1914 Out of the Darkness []
Out of the Darkness  (... The Wolf)  [актёр]
57. 1914 Power of Light, The []
Power of Light, The  (... Dr. Stockton)  [актёр]
58. 1914 Redbird Wins []
Redbird Wins  (... Colonel James Dinwidty)  [актёр]
59. 1914 Sir Galahad of Twilight []
Sir Galahad of Twilight  (... Jacques Lennaux, the trapper)  [актёр]
60. 1914 Son of Thomas Gray, The []
Son of Thomas Gray, The  (... Thomas Gray)  [актёр]
61. 1914 Sower Reaps, The []
Sower Reaps, The  (... Mr. Pike)  [актёр]
62. 1914 Sparrow of the Circus []
Sparrow of the Circus  (... )  [актёр]
63. 1914 Story of the Olive, The []
Story of the Olive, The  (... Don Jose de Cabrillo)  [актёр]
64. 1914 Strength o' Ten, The []
Strength o' Ten, The  (... Betty's father)  [актёр]
65. 1914 Sweet and Low []
Sweet and Low  (... Minister)  [актёр]
66. 1914 Taming of Sunnybrook Nell, The []
Taming of Sunnybrook Nell, The  (... Old Clon, a mountaineer)  [актёр]
67. 1914 Their Worldly Goods []
Their Worldly Goods  (... )  [актёр]
68. 1914 True Western Hearts []
True Western Hearts  (... )  [актёр]
69. 1914 Unmasking, The []
Unmasking, The  (... John Dayton)  [актёр]
70. 1914 Unseen Vengeance, The []
Unseen Vengeance, The  (... John Holland)  [актёр]
71. 1914 Widow's Investment, The []
Widow's Investment, The  (... )  [актёр]
72. 1915 A Golden Rainbow []
A Golden Rainbow  (... Harry Rice)  [актёр]
73. 1915 A Heart of Gold []
A Heart of Gold  (... Jim)  [актёр]
74. 1915 A Touch of Love []
A Touch of Love  (... Jim)  [актёр]
75. 1915 A Woman Scorned []
A Woman Scorned  (... )  [актёр]
76. 1915 After the Storm []
After the Storm  (... Rev. Jerold Roper)  [актёр]
77. 1915 Altar of Ambition, The []
Altar of Ambition, The  (... Richard Barry)  [актёр]
78. 1915 At the Edge of Things []
At the Edge of Things  (... )  [актёр]
79. 1915 Black Ghost Bandit, The []
Black Ghost Bandit, The  (... Sheriff Jordan)  [актёр]
80. 1915 Buzzard's Shadow, The []
Buzzard's Shadow, The  (... Unitah, the half-breed)  [актёр]
81. 1915 Coals of Fire []
Coals of Fire  (... John Vincent)  [актёр]
82. 1915 Competition []
Competition  (... Cyrus Stubbs)  [актёр]
83. 1915 Echo, The []
Echo, The  (... Count de Brasse)  [актёр]
84. 1915 End of the Road, The []
End of the Road, The  (... )  [актёр]
85. 1915 Great Question, The []
Great Question, The  (... )  [актёр]
86. 1915 Heart of Flame []
Heart of Flame  (... Von Erzforf)  [актёр]
87. 1915 Honor of the District Attorney, The []
Honor of the District Attorney, The  (... John Mortimer - Dora's Father)  [актёр]
88. 1915 In the Heart of the Woods []
In the Heart of the Woods  (... Ben Morgan)  [актёр]
89. 1915 In the Sunlight []
In the Sunlight  (... Frank Stead - City Physician)  [актёр]
90. 1915 In the Twilight []
In the Twilight  (... )  [актёр]
91. 1915 Law of the Wilds, The []
Law of the Wilds, The  (... Frank Storm)  [актёр]
92. 1915 Legend Beautiful, The []
Legend Beautiful, The  (... A Padre)  [актёр]
93. 1915 Pardoned []
Pardoned  (... )  [актёр]
94. 1915 Poet of the Peaks, The []
Poet of the Peaks, The  (... Philip Granger)  [актёр]
95. 1915 Purple Hills, The []
Purple Hills, The  (... John Ogle)  [актёр]
96. 1915 Refining Fires []
Refining Fires  (... John Alstrom)  [актёр]
97. 1915 Right to Happiness, The []
Right to Happiness, The  (... )  [актёр]
98. 1915 She Never Knew []
She Never Knew  (... )  [актёр]
99. 1915 She Walketh Alone []
She Walketh Alone  (... John Evans - Edith's Father)  [актёр]
100. 1915 Two Sentences, The []
Two Sentences, The  (... Jim Rodgers)  [актёр]
101. 1915 When Empty Hearts Are Filled []
When Empty Hearts Are Filled  (... Paul Latham)  [актёр]
102. 1915 Wily Chaperon, The []
Wily Chaperon, The  (... )  [актёр]
103. 1916 Abandonment, The []
Abandonment, The  (... Benson Heath)  [актёр]
104. 1916 April []
April  (... Tim Fagan)  [актёр]
105. 1916 Broken Cross, The []
Broken Cross, The  (... )  [актёр]
106. 1916 Dulcie's Adventure []
Dulcie's Adventure  (... Jonas)  [актёр]
107. 1916 Dust []
Dust  (... John D. Moore)  [актёр]
108. 1916 Fate of the Dolphin, The []
Fate of the Dolphin, The  (... )  [актёр]
109. 1916 Gamble, The []
Gamble, The  (... )  [актёр]
110. 1916 Lillo of the Sulu Seas []
Lillo of the Sulu Seas  (... )  [актёр]
111. 1916 Lone Star []
Lone Star  (... John Mattes)  [актёр]
112. 1916 Love Hermit, The []
Love Hermit, The  (... James Bolton)  [актёр]
113. 1916 Man in the Sombrero, The []
Man in the Sombrero, The  (... )  [актёр]
114. 1916 Other Side of the Door, The []
Other Side of the Door, The  (... )  [актёр]
115. 1916 Release of Dan Forbes, The []
Release of Dan Forbes, The  (... )  [актёр]
116. 1916 Secret Wire, The []
Secret Wire, The  (... )  [актёр]
117. 1916 True Nobility []
True Nobility  (... Lord Devlin)  [актёр]
118. 1916 Undertow, The []
Undertow, The  (... John Morden)  [актёр]
119. 1916 White Rosette, The []
White Rosette, The  (... Baron Edward&Pierpont Carewe)  [актёр]
120. 1916 Youth's Endearing Charm []
Youth's Endearing Charm  (... John Disbrow)  [актёр]
121. 1917 Beloved Rogues []
Beloved Rogues  (... Andrews)  [актёр]
122. 1917 Captain Kiddo []
Captain Kiddo  (... Mr. Cross)  [актёр]
123. 1917 Haunted House, The []
Haunted House, The  (... )  [актёр]
124. 1917 My Fighting Gentleman []
My Fighting Gentleman  (... Judge Pembroke)  [актёр]
125. 1917 Princess Virtue []
Princess Virtue  (... Count Oudoff)  [актёр]
126. 1917 Whose Wifeae []
Whose Wifeae  (... Claude Varden)  [актёр]
127. 1918 A Man's Man []
A Man's Man  (... Ricardo Ruey)  [актёр]
128. 1918 Broadway Love []
Broadway Love  (... Jack Chalvey)  [актёр]
129. 1918 Cabaret Girl, The []
Cabaret Girl, The  (... Balvini)  [актёр]
130. 1918 Dream Lady, The []
Dream Lady, The  (... James Mattison)  [актёр]
131. 1918 His Birthright []
His Birthright  (... Adm. von Krug)  [актёр]
132. 1918 Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin, The []
Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin, The  (... Capt. von Hancke)  [актёр]
133. 1918 Lion's Claws, The []
Lion's Claws, The  (... Capt. Bogart)  [актёр]
134. 1918 Lure of Luxury, The []
Lure of Luxury, The  (... Philip Leswing)  [актёр]
135. 1918 Man of Bronze, The []
Man of Bronze, The  (... Trovio Valdez)  [актёр]
136. 1918 Midnight Madness []
Midnight Madness  (... Aaron Molitor)  [актёр]
137. 1919 A Gun Fightin' Gentleman []
A Gun Fightin' Gentleman  (... Earl of Jollywell)  [актёр]
138. 1919 A Man's Fight []
A Man's Fight  (... Jarvis)  [актёр]
139. 1919 A Rogue's Romance []
A Rogue's Romance  (... Leon Voliere)  [актёр]
140. 1919 Challenge of Chance, The []
Challenge of Chance, The  (... El Capitan)  [актёр]
141. 1919 Day She Paid, The []
Day She Paid, The  (... Leon Kessler)  [актёр]
142. 1919 Girl with No Regrets, The []
Girl with No Regrets, The  (... Geralld Marbury)  [актёр]
143. 1919 Ловушка []
Trap, The  (... )  [актёр]
144. 1920 Alias Miss Dodd []
Alias Miss Dodd  (... Jerry Dodd)  [актёр]
145. 1920 Cheater, The []
Cheater, The  (... Bill Tozeer)  [актёр]
146. 1920 Dangerous Love []
Dangerous Love  (... Gerald Lorimer)  [актёр]
147. 1920 Dollar for Dollar []
Dollar for Dollar  (... Victor Mordant)  [актёр]
148. 1920 Lone Hand, The []
Lone Hand, The  (... Joe Rollins)  [актёр]
149. 1920 Under Crimson Skies []
Under Crimson Skies  (... Vance Clayton)  [актёр]
150. 1920 Unfortunate Sex, The []
Unfortunate Sex, The  (... James Harrington)  [актёр]
151. 1921 A Guilty Conscience []
A Guilty Conscience  (... Vincent Chalmers)  [актёр]
152. 1921 Beautiful Gambler, The []
Beautiful Gambler, The  (... Lee Kirk)  [актёр]
153. 1921 Heart of the North, The []
Heart of the North, The  (... De Brac)  [актёр]
154. 1921 Judge Her Not []
Judge Her Not  (... Rob Ferris)  [актёр]
155. 1921 Life's Greatest Question []
Life's Greatest Question  (... Julio Cumberland)  [актёр]
156. 1921 Reputation []
Reputation  (... Monty Edwards)  [актёр]
157. 1922 Broadway Madonna, The []
Broadway Madonna, The  (... Dr. Kramer)  [актёр]
158. 1922 My Dad []
My Dad  (... The Factor)  [актёр]
159. 1922 Putting It Over []
Putting It Over  (... Mark Durkham)  [актёр]
160. 1922 When Romance Rides []
When Romance Rides  (... Bill Cordts)  [актёр]
161. 1922 Wildcat Jordan []
Wildcat Jordan  (... Roger Gale)  [актёр]
162. 1923 A Man's Man []
A Man's Man  (... Ricardo Ruey)  [актёр]
163. 1923 Nobody's Bride []
Nobody's Bride  (... Morgan)  [актёр]
164. 1923 Speed King []
Speed King  (... Randolph D'Henri)  [актёр]
165. 1923 Горбун из Нотр Дама ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The  (... Mons. Neufchatel)  [актёр]
166. 1924 Breathless Moment, The []
Breathless Moment, The  (... Tricks Kennedy)  [актёр]
167. 1924 Great Diamond Mystery []
Great Diamond Mystery  (... Murdock)  [актёр]
168. 1924 Sagebrush Gospel []
Sagebrush Gospel  (... Linyard Lawton)  [актёр]
169. 1925 Cloud Rider, The []
Cloud Rider, The  (... Juan Lascelles)  [актёр]
170. 1925 Texas Bearcat, The []
Texas Bearcat, The  (... John Crawford)  [актёр]
171. 1925 Train Wreckers, The []
Train Wreckers, The  (... )  [актёр]
172. 1925 Triple Action []
Triple Action  (... Eric Prang)  [актёр]
173. 1926 Call of the Night []
Call of the Night  (... Russ De Laine)  [актёр]
174. 1926 Flying Mail, The []
Flying Mail, The  (... Bart Sheldon)  [актёр]
175. 1926 Kid Boots []
Kid Boots  (... Eleanor's Lawyer)  [актёр]
176. 1927 Hour of Reckoning []
Hour of Reckoning  (... )  [актёр]
177. 1929 Border Romance []
Border Romance  (... Captain of Rurales)  [актёр]
178. 1964 At Midnight []
At Midnight  (... )  [актёр]

в библиотеку
Селена Центр Дракон
