Джордж Морган  (George Morgan)
Джордж Морган / George Morgan Джордж Морган / George Morgan
Место рождения:
Конкорд, штат Делавэр, США
Дата рождения:
10.10.1854 (весы [рябина] • синий тигр)
Дата смерти:
актёр, режиссёр, сценарий

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1913 Girl of the Sunny South, The []
Girl of the Sunny South, The  (... )  [актёр]
2. 1913 Reporter's Scoop, The []
Reporter's Scoop, The  (... )  [актёр, сценарий]
3. 1914 Crimson Moth, The []
Crimson Moth, The  (... Jeffrey)  [актёр]
4. 1914 Derelicts, The []
Derelicts, The  (... Captain Mackay)  [актёр]
5. 1914 Dilemma, The []
Dilemma, The  (... )  [режиссёр, сценарий]
6. 1914 Ernest Maltravers []
Ernest Maltravers  (... Maltravers)  [актёр]
7. 1914 Iron Master, The []
Iron Master, The  (... The Iron Master)  [актёр]
8. 1914 Merely Mother []
Merely Mother  (... Her husband)  [актёр]
9. 1914 New Magdalen, The []
New Magdalen, The  (... Rev. Julian Grey)  [актёр]
10. 1914 Science of Crime, The []
Science of Crime, The  (... )  [режиссёр, сценарий]
11. 1914 Ticket-of-Leave Man, The []
Ticket-of-Leave Man, The  (... Bob Brierly)  [актёр]
12. 1915 A Triple Winning []
A Triple Winning  (... )  [режиссёр]
13. 1915 Fate's Healing Hand []
Fate's Healing Hand  (... )  [режиссёр]
14. 1915 Love's Rescue []
Love's Rescue  (... )  [режиссёр]
15. 1915 Mystery of Henri Villard, The []
Mystery of Henri Villard, The  (... )  [сценарий]
16. 1915 One Forgotten, The []
One Forgotten, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
17. 1915 Sheriff's Trap, The []
Sheriff's Trap, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
18. 1915 Stronger Than Love []
Stronger Than Love  (... )  [режиссёр]
19. 1915 Summoning Shot, The []
Summoning Shot, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
20. 1915 Wanderer's Pledge, The []
Wanderer's Pledge, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
21. 1916 Sporting Blood []
Sporting Blood  (... Billy Ballard)  [актёр]
22. 1916 Tangled Fates []
Tangled Fates  (... Will Rogers)  [актёр]
23. 1916 Венецианский купец []
Merchant of Venice, The  (... Lancelot)  [актёр]
24. 1917 Dormant Power, The []
Dormant Power, The  (... Brinkerhoff)  [актёр]
25. 1917 Her Hour []
Her Hour  (... Tom Castle)  [актёр]
26. 1917 Sin Woman, The []
Sin Woman, The  (... Dan Pratt)  [актёр]
27. 1918 A Soul Without Windows []
A Soul Without Windows  (... Undetermined Role)  [актёр]
28. 1918 Cross Bearer, The []
Cross Bearer, The  (... Gaston Van Leys)  [актёр]
29. 1918 His Royal Highness []
His Royal Highness  (... Undetermined Role)  [актёр]
30. 1918 Vengeance []
Vengeance  (... )  [сценарий]
31. 1919 Lurking Peril, The []
Lurking Peril, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
32. 1921 A Battle of Wits []
A Battle of Wits  (... )  [сценарий]
33. 1921 A Ride for a Rancho []
A Ride for a Rancho  (... )  [сценарий]
34. 1921 A Woman's Wit []
A Woman's Wit  (... )  [сценарий]
35. 1921 Bandits Beware []
Bandits Beware  (... )  [сценарий]
36. 1921 Battle Against Odds, The []
Battle Against Odds, The  (... )  [сценарий]
37. 1921 Big Bob []
Big Bob  (... )  [сценарий]
38. 1921 Cactus Kid, The []
Cactus Kid, The  (... )  [сценарий]
39. 1921 Call of the Blood, The []
Call of the Blood, The  (... )  [сценарий]
40. 1921 Crossed Clues []
Crossed Clues  (... )  [сценарий]
41. 1921 Danger Man, The []
Danger Man, The  (... )  [сценарий]
42. 1921 Dream Girl []
Dream Girl  (... )  [сценарий]
43. 1921 Fair Fighting []
Fair Fighting  (... )  [сценарий]
44. 1921 Fightin' Fury, The []
Fightin' Fury, The  (... )  [сценарий]
45. 1921 Girl in the Saddle, The []
Girl in the Saddle, The  (... )  [сценарий]
46. 1921 Guilty Trail, The []
Guilty Trail, The  (... )  [сценарий]
47. 1921 Heritage of Hate, The []
Heritage of Hate, The  (... )  [сценарий]
48. 1921 Kickaroo []
Kickaroo  (... )  [сценарий]
49. 1921 Movie Trail, The []
Movie Trail, The  (... )  [сценарий]
50. 1921 Old Dynamite []
Old Dynamite  (... )  [сценарий]
51. 1921 Out o' Luck []
Out o' Luck  (... )  [сценарий]
52. 1921 Outlaw, The []
Outlaw, The  (... )  [сценарий]
53. 1921 Range Rivals []
Range Rivals  (... )  [сценарий]
54. 1921 Rim of the Desert []
Rim of the Desert  (... )  [сценарий]
55. 1921 Saddle King, The []
Saddle King, The  (... )  [сценарий]
56. 1921 Square Deal Cyclone []
Square Deal Cyclone  (... )  [сценарий]
57. 1921 Stand Up and Fight []
Stand Up and Fight  (... )  [сценарий]
58. 1921 Terror Streak, The []
Terror Streak, The  (... )  [сценарий]
59. 1921 Valley of the Rogues []
Valley of the Rogues  (... )  [сценарий]
60. 1921 Who Was the Man? []
Who Was the Man?  (... )  [сценарий]
61. 1921 Yellow Streak []
Yellow Streak  (... )  [сценарий]
62. 1921 Комната смерти []
Room of Death, The  (... )  [сценарий]
63. 1922 A Guilty Cause []
A Guilty Cause  (... )  [сценарий]
64. 1922 A Treacherous Rival []
A Treacherous Rival  (... )  [сценарий]
65. 1922 Big Ranger, The []
Big Ranger, The  (... )  [сценарий]
66. 1922 Call of Courage, The []
Call of Courage, The  (... )  [сценарий]
67. 1922 Dead Game []
Dead Game  (... )  [сценарий]
68. 1922 Desperation []
Desperation  (... )  [сценарий]
69. 1922 Fighting Back []
Fighting Back  (... )  [сценарий]
70. 1922 Go Get 'em Gates []
Go Get 'em Gates  (... )  [сценарий]
71. 1922 Matching Wits []
Matching Wits  (... )  [сценарий]
72. 1922 Open Wire, The []
Open Wire, The  (... )  [сценарий]
73. 1922 Perils of the Yukon []
Perils of the Yukon  (... )  [сценарий]
74. 1922 Ranger's Reward, The []
Ranger's Reward, The  (... )  [сценарий]
75. 1922 Trail of the Wolf, The []
Trail of the Wolf, The  (... )  [сценарий]
76. 1922 Trickery []
Trickery  (... )  [сценарий]
77. 1922 Unmasked []
Unmasked  (... )  [сценарий]
78. 1922 Verdict, The []
Verdict, The  (... )  [сценарий]
79. 1923 Души для продажи ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Souls for Sale  (... Spofford)  [актёр]
80. 1924 Little Savage, The []
Little Savage, The  (... )  [сценарий]
81. 1924 Powerful Eye, The []
Powerful Eye, The  (... )  [сценарий]
82. 1925 A Battle of Wits []
A Battle of Wits  (... )  [сценарий]
83. 1925 Close Call, The []
Close Call, The  (... )  [сценарий]
84. 1925 Great Circus Mystery, The []
Great Circus Mystery, The  (... )  [сценарий]
85. 1925 Queen of the Round-Up []
Queen of the Round-Up  (... )  [сценарий]
86. 1925 Raid, The []
Raid, The  (... )  [сценарий]
87. 1925 Romance and Rustlers []
Romance and Rustlers  (... )  [сценарий]
88. 1925 Tricked []
Tricked  (... )  [сценарий]
89. 1926 Lone Prairie, The []
Lone Prairie, The  (... )  [сценарий]
90. 1926 Silent Flyer, The []
Silent Flyer, The  (... )  [сценарий]
91. 1926 Trail of Trickery []
Trail of Trickery  (... )  [сценарий]
92. 1926 Winking Idol, The []
Winking Idol, The  (... )  [сценарий]
93. 1927 A Ranger's Romance []
A Ranger's Romance  (... )  [сценарий]
94. 1927 An Exciting Day []
An Exciting Day  (... )  [сценарий]
95. 1927 Cowboy Chaperone, The []
Cowboy Chaperone, The  (... )  [сценарий]
96. 1927 Dangerous Double, The []
Dangerous Double, The  (... )  [сценарий]
97. 1927 Fangs of Destiny []
Fangs of Destiny  (... )  [сценарий]
98. 1927 Galloping Thunder []
Galloping Thunder  (... )  [сценарий]
99. 1927 Menace of the Mounted []
Menace of the Mounted  (... )  [сценарий]
100. 1927 One Glorious Scrap []
One Glorious Scrap  (... )  [сценарий]
101. 1927 Silent Partner, The []
Silent Partner, The  (... )  [сценарий]
102. 1928 A Final Reckoning []
A Final Reckoning  (... )  [сценарий]
103. 1928 An Unexpected Hero []
An Unexpected Hero  (... )  [сценарий]
104. 1928 Bare Fists []
Bare Fists  (... )  [сценарий]
105. 1928 Clean-Up Man, The []
Clean-Up Man, The  (... )  [сценарий]
106. 1928 Fighting Kid, The []
Fighting Kid, The  (... )  [сценарий]
107. 1928 Hidden Money []
Hidden Money  (... )  [сценарий]
108. 1928 Two Outlaws []
Two Outlaws  (... )  [сценарий]
109. 1929 King of the Rodeo []
King of the Rodeo  (... )  [сценарий]
110. 1929 Pirate of Panama, The []
Pirate of Panama, The  (... )  [сценарий]
111. 1929 Plunging Hoofs []
Plunging Hoofs  (... )  [сценарий]
112. 1929 Smilin' Guns []
Smilin' Guns  (... )  [сценарий]
113. 1929 Wild Blood []
Wild Blood  (... )  [сценарий]
114. 1930 Six-Gun Justice []
Six-Gun Justice  (... )  [сценарий]
115. 1930 Wolf's Fangs, The []
Wolf's Fangs, The  (... )  [сценарий]
116. 1931 Avenger, The []
Avenger, The  (... )  [сценарий]
117. 1931 Cyclone Kid []
Cyclone Kid  (... )  [сценарий]
118. 1931 Finger Prints []
Finger Prints  (... )  [сценарий]
119. 1931 Headin' for Trouble []
Headin' for Trouble  (... )  [сценарий]
120. 1931 Heroes of the Flames []
Heroes of the Flames  (... )  [сценарий]
121. 1931 Quick Trigger Lee []
Quick Trigger Lee  (... )  [сценарий]
122. 1932 Airmail Mystery, The []
Airmail Mystery, The  (... )  [сценарий]
123. 1932 Devil Horse, The []
Devil Horse, The  (... )  [сценарий]
124. 1932 Human Targets []
Human Targets  (... )  [сценарий]
125. 1932 Hurricane Express, The []
Hurricane Express, The  (... )  [сценарий]
126. 1932 Jungle Mystery, The []
Jungle Mystery, The  (... )  [сценарий]
127. 1932 Lost Special, The []
Lost Special, The  (... )  [сценарий]
128. 1932 Tangled Fortunes []
Tangled Fortunes  (... )  [сценарий]
129. 1933 Her Forgotten Past []
Her Forgotten Past  (... )  [сценарий]
130. 1933 Whispering Shadow, The []
Whispering Shadow, The  (... )  [сценарий]
131. 1934 Badge of Honor []
Badge of Honor  (... )  [сценарий]
132. 1934 Fighting Rookie, The []
Fighting Rookie, The  (... )  [сценарий]
133. 1934 Oil Raider, The []
Oil Raider, The  (... )  [сценарий]
134. 1934 Vanishing Shadow, The []
Vanishing Shadow, The  (... )  [сценарий]
135. 1934 When Lightning Strikes []
When Lightning Strikes  (... )  [сценарий]
136. 1935 Calling All Cars []
Calling All Cars  (... )  [сценарий]
137. 1935 Rescue Squad []
Rescue Squad  (... )  [сценарий]
138. 1935 Silent Code, The []
Silent Code, The  (... )  [сценарий]
139. 1937 Дик Трейси []
Dick Tracy  (... )  [сценарий]
140. 1940 Terry and the Pirates []
Terry and the Pirates  (... )  [сценарий]
141. 1954 Other Woman, The []
Other Woman, The  (... )  [актёр]
142. 1990 Дик Трэйси []
Dick Tracy  (... )  [сценарий]

в библиотеку
Селена Центр Дракон
