Эдмунд Мортимер  (Edmund Mortimer)
Эдмунд Мортимер / Edmund Mortimer Эдмунд Мортимер / Edmund Mortimer
Место рождения:
Нью-Йорк, США
Дата рождения:
21.08.1874 (лев [картас] • синяя собака)
Дата смерти:
Луиза Бейтс.
актёр, режиссёр, сценарий
Другие имена: Edward J. Mortimer; Edward Mortimer; Edwin Mortimer; Ed Mortime

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1914 Adventures of a Girl Reporter, The []
Adventures of a Girl Reporter, The  (... )  [актёр]
2. 1914 As Ye Sow []
As Ye Sow  (... Steven Stetson)  [актёр]
3. 1914 Dawn of the New Day, The []
Dawn of the New Day, The  (... )  [актёр]
4. 1914 Fatal Step, The []
Fatal Step, The  (... )  [актёр]
5. 1914 Forgetting []
Forgetting  (... )  [актёр]
6. 1914 Heart of the Night Wind, The []
Heart of the Night Wind, The  (... )  [актёр]
7. 1914 Neptune's Daughter []
Neptune's Daughter  (... Duke Boris)  [актёр]
8. 1914 Watch Dog of the Deep []
Watch Dog of the Deep  (... )  [актёр]
9. 1914 Witch Girl, The []
Witch Girl, The  (... )  [актёр]
10. 1915 A Gentleman of Art []
A Gentleman of Art  (... )  [актёр]
11. 1915 Coward, The []
Coward, The  (... )  [актёр]
12. 1915 Moonstone, The []
Moonstone, The  (... John Herncastle)  [актёр]
13. 1916 Common Law, The []
Common Law, The  (... Unknown)  [актёр]
14. 1918 Road Through the Dark, The []
Road Through the Dark, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
15. 1918 Savage Woman, The []
Savage Woman, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
16. 1919 Hushed Hour, The []
Hushed Hour, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
17. 1920 Alias Jimmy Valentine []
Alias Jimmy Valentine  (... )  [режиссёр]
18. 1920 County Fair, The []
County Fair, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
19. 1920 Misfit Wife, The []
Misfit Wife, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
20. 1923 Broad Road, The []
Broad Road, The  (... )  [режиссёр, сценарий]
21. 1923 Exiles, The []
Exiles, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
22. 1923 Railroaded []
Railroaded  (... )  [режиссёр]
23. 1924 A Man's Mate []
A Man's Mate  (... )  [режиссёр]
24. 1924 Against All Odds []
Against All Odds  (... )  [режиссёр]
25. 1924 Desert Outlaw, The []
Desert Outlaw, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
26. 1924 Just Off Broadway []
Just Off Broadway  (... )  [режиссёр]
27. 1924 Star Dust Trail []
Star Dust Trail  (... )  [режиссёр]
28. 1924 That French Lady []
That French Lady  (... )  [режиссёр]
29. 1924 Wolf Man, The []
Wolf Man, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
30. 1925 Arizona Romeo, The []
Arizona Romeo, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
31. 1925 Gold and the Girl []
Gold and the Girl  (... )  [режиссёр]
32. 1925 Man from Red Gulch, The []
Man from Red Gulch, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
33. 1925 Prairie Pirate, The []
Prairie Pirate, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
34. 1925 Scandal Proof []
Scandal Proof  (... )  [режиссёр]
35. 1926 Satan Town []
Satan Town  (... )  [режиссёр]
36. 1928 A Woman's Way []
A Woman's Way  (... )  [режиссёр]
37. 1930 Достать до Луны ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Reaching for the Moon  (... Ship's Party Guest)  [актёр]
38. 1931 Doctors' Wives []
Doctors' Wives  (... Observer in Operating Theatre)  [актёр]
39. 1931 Guilty Hands []
Guilty Hands  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
40. 1931 Her Majesty, Love []
Her Majesty, Love  (... Nightclub Patron)  [актёр]
41. 1931 Laugh and Get Rich []
Laugh and Get Rich  (... Mr. Bellweather, Party Guest)  [актёр]
42. 1931 Peach-O-Reno []
Peach-O-Reno  (... Casino Guest)  [актёр]
43. 1931 Three Who Loved []
Three Who Loved  (... Mr. Dale)  [актёр]
44. 1931 Yellow Ticket, The []
Yellow Ticket, The  (... Man in Club)  [актёр]
45. 1931 Голди []
Goldie  (... Fashion Show Extra)  [актёр]
46. 1931 Доктор Эрроусмит []
Arrowsmith  (... Ship's Passenger)  [актёр]
47. 1931 Кики []
Kiki  (... )  [актёр]
48. 1931 Трансатлантический корабль []
Transatlantic  (... Stateroom Guest)  [актёр]
49. 1931 Цветущие дни []
Palmy Days  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
50. 1931 Платиновая блондинка ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Platinum Blonde  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
51. 1932 -But the Flesh Is Weak []
-But the Flesh Is Weak  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
52. 1932 Blondie of the Follies []
Blondie of the Follies  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
53. 1932 Huddle []
Huddle  (... Extra as Dinner Dance Guest)  [актёр]
54. 1932 Lawyer Man []
Lawyer Man  (... Juror)  [актёр]
55. 1932 Night Mayor []
Night Mayor  (... )  [актёр]
56. 1932 Purchase Price, The []
Purchase Price, The  (... Dance Extra)  [актёр]
57. 1932 Roadhouse Murder, The []
Roadhouse Murder, The  (... Juryman)  [актёр]
58. 1932 Skyscraper Souls []
Skyscraper Souls  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
59. 1932 Trial of Vivienne Ware, The []
Trial of Vivienne Ware, The  (... Assistant Prosecuting Attorney)  [актёр]
60. 1932 Two Kinds of Women []
Two Kinds of Women  (... Captain of Waiters)  [актёр]
61. 1932 Washington Masquerade, The []
Washington Masquerade, The  (... Senate Board of Inquiry Member)  [актёр]
62. 1932 Week Ends Only []
Week Ends Only  (... Diner Extra)  [актёр]
63. 1932 Wet Parade, The []
Wet Parade, The  (... Dinner Guest)  [актёр]
64. 1932 Недозволенное []
Forbidden  (... Man at Political Convention)  [актёр]
65. 1932 Ночной суд []
Night Court  (... Assistant District Attorney)  [актёр]
66. 1932 Президент-фантом []
Phantom President, The  (... Guest)  [актёр]
67. 1932 Сколько стоит Голливуд? []
What Price Hollywood?  (... Diner at Brown Derby)  [актёр]
68. 1932 Темная лошадка []
Dark Horse, The  (... Convention Delegate)  [актёр]
69. 1932 Чудовище города []
Beast of the City, The  (... Assistant District Attorney)  [актёр]
70. 1932 Распутин и императрица ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Rasputin and the Empress  (... Officer Watching Celebration Mass)  [актёр]
71. 1932 Женщина с рыжими волосами ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Red-Headed Woman  (... Gaerste's Dinner Guest)  [актёр]
72. 1933 Air Hostess []
Air Hostess  (... Speakeasy Customer)  [актёр]
73. 1933 Broadway Through a Keyhole []
Broadway Through a Keyhole  (... Nightclub Dance Extra)  [актёр]
74. 1933 Child of Manhattan []
Child of Manhattan  (... Table Extra at Club)  [актёр]
75. 1933 Female []
Female  (... Board Member)  [актёр]
76. 1933 Girl in 419, The []
Girl in 419, The  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
77. 1933 Grand Slam []
Grand Slam  (... Lola's Bridge Partner)  [актёр]
78. 1933 Hello, Everybody! []
Hello, Everybody!  (... Casino Patron)  [актёр]
79. 1933 Stage Mother []
Stage Mother  (... Shipboard Extra&Audience Extra)  [актёр]
80. 1933 Thrill Hunter, The []
Thrill Hunter, The  (... Dinner Guest)  [актёр]
81. 1933 Воссоединение в Вене []
Reunion in Vienna  (... Tourist)  [актёр]
82. 1933 Утиный суп ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Duck Soup  (... Minister)  [актёр]
83. 1933 Танцующая леди ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Dancing Lady  (... Man in Bradley Sr.'s Outer Office)  [актёр]
84. 1933 Полёт в Рио ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Flying Down to Rio  (... Nightclub Patron)  [актёр]
85. 1933 Серенада трех сердец ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Design for Living  (... Theatre Patron)  [актёр]
86. 1933 Я не ангел ../../ctrls/us_big.png
I'm No Angel  (... Man in Courtroom)  [актёр]
87. 1934 Behold My Wife []
Behold My Wife  (... Society Man)  [актёр]
88. 1934 Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back []
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back  (... Wedding Guest)  [актёр]
89. 1934 Captain Hates the Sea, The []
Captain Hates the Sea, The  (... )  [актёр]
90. 1934 Change of Heart []
Change of Heart  (... Man Reading Newspaper in Brisbane's Office)  [актёр]
91. 1934 Dames []
Dames  (... Ounce's Second Receptionist)  [актёр]
92. 1934 Desirable []
Desirable  (... Second Playgoer)  [актёр]
93. 1934 I Am a Thief []
I Am a Thief  (... First Auction Bidder)  [актёр]
94. 1934 I Sell Anything []
I Sell Anything  (... $300 Bidder at Antiques Auction)  [актёр]
95. 1934 President Vanishes, The []
President Vanishes, The  (... Legislator)  [актёр]
96. 1934 Registered Nurse []
Registered Nurse  (... Nightclub Extra)  [актёр]
97. 1934 Search for Beauty []
Search for Beauty  (... Health Acres Guest)  [актёр]
98. 1934 Shoot the Works []
Shoot the Works  (... Night Club Patron)  [актёр]
99. 1934 Stand Up and Cheer! []
Stand Up and Cheer!  (... Senator)  [актёр]
100. 1934 Strictly Dynamite []
Strictly Dynamite  (... Restaurant Extra)  [актёр]
101. 1934 Upperworld []
Upperworld  (... Banquet Guest)  [актёр]
102. 1934 We're Rich Again []
We're Rich Again  (... Wedding Guest)  [актёр]
103. 1934 Имитация жизни []
Imitation of Life  (... Dance Extra at Party)  [актёр]
104. 1934 Миллионы малыша []
Kid Millions  (... Ship's Officer)  [актёр]
105. 1934 Потерявшаяся леди []
A Lost Lady  (... Extra at Dance)  [актёр]
106. 1934 Принцесса на тридцать дней []
Thirty Day Princess  (... Court Officer)  [актёр]
107. 1934 Тайная невеста []
Secret Bride, The  (... Senator)  [актёр]
108. 1934 Ты мне говоришь! []
You're Telling Me!  (... Businessman)  [актёр]
109. 1934 Сияющие глазки ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Bright Eyes  (... Extra as Lawyer)  [актёр]
110. 1934 Цепи ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Chained  (... Ship's Passenger)  [актёр]
111. 1935 A Feather in Her Hat []
A Feather in Her Hat  (... Man in Audience)  [актёр]
112. 1935 Broadway Gondolier []
Broadway Gondolier  (... Man Leaving Opera and Dance Floor Extra)  [актёр]
113. 1935 Frisco Kid []
Frisco Kid  (... First Man)  [актёр]
114. 1935 Gypsy Sweetheart []
Gypsy Sweetheart  (... Lawn Party Guest)  [актёр]
115. 1935 If You Could Only Cook []
If You Could Only Cook  (... Howard - Member of Board of Directors)  [актёр]
116. 1935 Let 'em Have It []
Let 'em Have It  (... Parole Board Member)  [актёр]
117. 1935 Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The []
Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The  (... Angry Restaurant Patron)  [актёр]
118. 1935 Personal Maid's Secret []
Personal Maid's Secret  (... Mr. William Bentley)  [актёр]
119. 1935 Spirit of 1976, The []
Spirit of 1976, The  (... )  [актёр]
120. 1935 Three Kids and a Queen []
Three Kids and a Queen  (... Relative)  [актёр]
121. 1935 Ад Данте []
Dante's Inferno  (... Ship Passenger)  [актёр]
122. 1935 В Кальенте []
In Caliente  (... Nightclub Extra)  [актёр]
123. 1935 Веселый обман []
Gay Deception, The  (... Royal Banquet Extra&Hotel Lobby Extra)  [актёр]
124. 1935 Город на границе []
Bordertown  (... George - Man at New Casino)  [актёр]
125. 1935 Золотая Лили []
Gilded Lily, The  (... London Nightclub Patron)  [актёр]
126. 1935 Люби меня вечно []
Love Me Forever  (... Opera Spectator)  [актёр]
127. 1935 Мелодия Бродвея 1936 года []
Broadway Melody of 1936  (... Man in Audience for Daydream Montage)  [актёр]
128. 1935 Мисс Глори []
Page Miss Glory  (... Advertising Board Member)  [актёр]
129. 1935 Несостоявшееся свидание []
Break of Hearts  (... Man at New Year's Eve Party)  [актёр]
130. 1935 Певица с Бродвея []
Broadway Hostess  (... Banker)  [актёр]
131. 1935 Пускайся в пляс []
Go Into Your Dance  (... Nightclub Patron)  [актёр]
132. 1935 Сильвия Скарлетт []
Sylvia Scarlett  (... Park Scam Onlooker)  [актёр]
133. 1935 Это в воздухе []
It's in the Air  (... Man in Lobby)  [актёр]
134. 1935 Ночь в опере ../../ctrls/us_big.png
A Night at the Opera  (... Dignitary)  [актёр]
135. 1935 Анна Каренина ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Anna Karenina  (... Racetrack Spectator)  [актёр]
136. 1935 Поездка в город ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Goin' to Town  (... Nightclub Patron&Gambling Extra)  [актёр]
137. 1935 Добрая фея ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Good Fairy, The  (... Nightclub Guest)  [актёр]
138. 1936 Champagne Charlie []
Champagne Charlie  (... Gambling House Patron)  [актёр]
139. 1936 Fifteen Maiden Lane []
Fifteen Maiden Lane  (... Guest)  [актёр]
140. 1936 Freshman Love []
Freshman Love  (... Henderson)  [актёр]
141. 1936 Give Me Your Heart []
Give Me Your Heart  (... Mr. Hayle, the Host)  [актёр]
142. 1936 Law in Her Hands, The []
Law in Her Hands, The  (... Appellate Court Judge)  [актёр]
143. 1936 Moonlight Murder []
Moonlight Murder  (... Extra at Hollywood Bowl)  [актёр]
144. 1936 Polo Joe []
Polo Joe  (... Luncheon Guest)  [актёр]
145. 1936 Return of Sophie Lang, The []
Return of Sophie Lang, The  (... S.S. Niantic Passenger)  [актёр]
146. 1936 Till We Meet Again []
Till We Meet Again  (... Viennese Cafe Patron)  [актёр]
147. 1936 Two Against the World []
Two Against the World  (... Extra in Bar)  [актёр]
148. 1936 White Angel, The []
White Angel, The  (... Officer at Minister's Meeting)  [актёр]
149. 1936 Yours for the Asking []
Yours for the Asking  (... Man)  [актёр]
150. 1936 Великолепная инсинуация []
Gorgeous Hussy, The  (... Guest at Ball)  [актёр]
151. 1936 Золотоискатели 1937-го []
Gold Diggers of 1937  (... Extra in Hobart's Office)  [актёр]
152. 1936 Классный парень []
Great Guy  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
153. 1936 Опасная интрига []
Dangerous Intrigue  (... Hospital Board Member)  [актёр]
154. 1936 Очарован тобой []
Under Your Spell  (... Sponsor)  [актёр]
155. 1936 Сатана встречает леди []
Satan Met a Lady  (... Extra on Dance Floor)  [актёр]
156. 1936 Мистер Дидс переезжает в город ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
157. 1936 Три милые девушки ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Three Smart Girls  (... Dinner Guest)  [актёр]
158. 1936 Безумия от косяка ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Tell Your Children  (... Henry Harper)  [актёр]
159. 1936 Додсворт ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Dodsworth  (... Man on Ship)  [актёр]
160. 1937 52nd Street []
52nd Street  (... Nightclub Extra)  [актёр]
161. 1937 Breakfast for Two []
Breakfast for Two  (... Man in Waiting Room)  [актёр]
162. 1937 Emperor's Candlesticks, The []
Emperor's Candlesticks, The  (... Man at Auction)  [актёр]
163. 1937 Mama Steps Out []
Mama Steps Out  (... Man at Ship's Party)  [актёр]
164. 1937 Married Before Breakfast []
Married Before Breakfast  (... Executive Wiping Cream Off)  [актёр]
165. 1937 Meet the Missus []
Meet the Missus  (... Husband)  [актёр]
166. 1937 Music for Madame []
Music for Madame  (... Wedding Guest)  [актёр]
167. 1937 Nancy Steele Is Missing! []
Nancy Steele Is Missing!  (... Juryman)  [актёр]
168. 1937 Stolen Holiday []
Stolen Holiday  (... Fashion Show Attendee)  [актёр]
169. 1937 What Do You Think? (Number Two) []
What Do You Think? (Number Two)  (... Bit Role)  [актёр]
170. 1937 Вок 1938-го года []
Vogues of 1938  (... Mr. Mortimer, a Creditor)  [актёр]
171. 1937 Дневник доктора []
A Doctor's Diary  (... Doctor)  [актёр]
172. 1937 Жизнь, любовь и учеба []
Live, Love and Learn  (... Extra in Gallery)  [актёр]
173. 1937 Кид Гэлэхэд []
Kid Galahad  (... Title Fight Ringsider)  [актёр]
174. 1937 Любовь, которую я искал []
It's Love I'm After  (... Mr. Kane)  [актёр]
175. 1937 Фабрика грез []
Stand-In  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
176. 1937 Чистокровки не плачут []
Thoroughbreds Don't Cry  (... Extra Listening to Radio)  [актёр]
177. 1937 Дверь на сцену ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Stage Door  (... Actor in Powell's Waiting Room)  [актёр]
178. 1937 День на скачках ../../ctrls/us_big.png
A Day at the Races  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
179. 1937 Сто мужчин и одна девушка ../../ctrls/us_big.png
One Hundred Men and a Girl  (... Concert Attendee)  [актёр]
180. 1937 Ужасная правда ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Awful Truth, The  (... Lucy's Attorney)  [актёр]
181. 1938 A Man to Remember []
A Man to Remember  (... Medical Association Board Member)  [актёр]
182. 1938 Accidents Will Happen []
Accidents Will Happen  (... Juror)  [актёр]
183. 1938 Crashing Through Danger []
Crashing Through Danger  (... Board Member)  [актёр]
184. 1938 Daredevil Drivers []
Daredevil Drivers  (... Mr. Farnsworth)  [актёр]
185. 1938 Exposed []
Exposed  (... Clerk)  [актёр]
186. 1938 Freshman Year []
Freshman Year  (... Professor Arnaud)  [актёр]
187. 1938 Hold That Kiss []
Hold That Kiss  (... Dog Show Attendee)  [актёр]
188. 1938 Penrod's Double Trouble []
Penrod's Double Trouble  (... Extra at Banquet)  [актёр]
189. 1938 Squadron of Honor []
Squadron of Honor  (... Leginnaire Commander)  [актёр]
190. 1938 What Do You Think? (Number Three) []
What Do You Think? (Number Three)  (... Mary's Father)  [актёр]
191. 1938 Woman Against Woman []
Woman Against Woman  (... Guest at Senator Kingsley's Party)  [актёр]
192. 1938 Women Are Like That []
Women Are Like That  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
193. 1938 Арсен Люпен возвращается []
Arsene Lupin Returns  (... Man at Hotel Desk)  [актёр]
194. 1938 Безумства Голдвина []
Goldwyn Follies, The  (... Man in Audience at Opera)  [актёр]
195. 1938 Возлюбленные []
Sweethearts  (... Show Spectator)  [актёр]
196. 1938 Гнев Парижа []
Rage of Paris, The  (... Cousin Theresa's Husband at Wedding)  [актёр]
197. 1938 Достижение успеха []
Going Places  (... Extra in Store)  [актёр]
198. 1938 Драматическая школа []
Dramatic School  (... Extra in restaurant)  [актёр]
199. 1938 Кентукки []
Kentucky  (... Dance Extra)  [актёр]
200. 1938 Ковбой и леди []
Cowboy and the Lady, The  (... Dinner Party Guest)  [актёр]
201. 1938 Леди возражает []
Lady Objects, The  (... Mr. Broderick)  [актёр]
202. 1938 Моя счастливая звезда []
My Lucky Star  (... Faculty Councilman)  [актёр]
203. 1938 Оживленная леди []
Vivacious Lady  (... Library Committee Member)  [актёр]
204. 1938 Сержант Мэрфи []
Sergeant Murphy  (... Extra at Grand National Race)  [актёр]
205. 1938 Удивительный доктор Клайттерхаус []
Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse, The  (... Updyke's Guest)  [актёр]
206. 1938 Чеканщик []
Chaser, The  (... Bar Association Member)  [актёр]
207. 1938 Школа свинга []
College Swing  (... Professor)  [актёр]
208. 1938 Тот самый возраст ../../ctrls/us_big.png
That Certain Age  (... Guest)  [актёр]
209. 1938 Праздник ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Holiday  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
210. 1939 Beauty for the Asking []
Beauty for the Asking  (... Wedding Guest)  [актёр]
211. 1939 Lone Wolf Spy Hunt, The []
Lone Wolf Spy Hunt, The  (... Masked Party Guest)  [актёр]
212. 1939 Raffles []
Raffles  (... Extra at Ambassador Club)  [актёр]
213. 1939 Rookie Cop, The []
Rookie Cop, The  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
214. 1939 Sorority House []
Sorority House  (... Governor Morley)  [актёр]
215. 1939 They Made Her a Spy []
They Made Her a Spy  (... Man with Senator in the Dome Cafe)  [актёр]
216. 1939 Torchy Blane in Chinatown []
Torchy Blane in Chinatown  (... Dowager's Party Escort)  [актёр]
217. 1939 Under-Pup, The []
Under-Pup, The  (... Extra in audience)  [актёр]
218. 1939 Zenobia []
Zenobia  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
219. 1939 В цирке []
At the Circus  (... Governor - Party Guest)  [актёр]
220. 1939 Грозовой перевал []
Wuthering Heights  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
221. 1939 История Вернона и Ирен Кастл []
Story of Vernon and Irene Castle, The  (... Nightclub Extra)  [актёр]
222. 1939 Мы не одни []
We Are Not Alone  (... Courtroom Extra)  [актёр]
223. 1939 Не рассказывай сказки []
Tell No Tales  (... Guest at Lovelake's)  [актёр]
224. 1939 Рио []
Rio  (... Banker)  [актёр]
225. 1939 Сержант Мадден []
Sergeant Madden  (... Doctor in Hospital)  [актёр]
226. 1939 Ты не можешь обмануть честного человека []
You Can't Cheat an Honest Man  (... Wedding Guest)  [актёр]
227. 1939 Удивительный мистер Уильямс []
Amazing Mr. Williams, The  (... Restaurant Patron)  [актёр]
228. 1939 Вечно ваш ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Eternally Yours  (... Nightclub Extra)  [актёр]
229. 1939 Первый бал ../../ctrls/us_big.png
First Love  (... Ball Guest)  [актёр]
230. 1939 Интермеццо ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Intermezzo: A Love Story  (... Extra in Stage Wing with Charles)  [актёр]
231. 1939 Три милые девушки взрослеют ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Three Smart Girls Grow Up  (... Wedding Guest)  [актёр]
232. 1939 Полночь ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Midnight  (... Stephanie's Party Guest)  [актёр]
233. 1940 Curtain Call []
Curtain Call  (... Dressing Room Guest)  [актёр]
234. 1940 Earl of Chicago, The []
Earl of Chicago, The  (... Lord)  [актёр]
235. 1940 Hired Wife []
Hired Wife  (... Restaurant Extra)  [актёр]
236. 1940 If I Had My Way []
If I Had My Way  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
237. 1940 Island of Doomed Men []
Island of Doomed Men  (... Parole Board Member)  [актёр]
238. 1940 Man Who Wouldn't Talk, The []
Man Who Wouldn't Talk, The  (... Second Man)  [актёр]
239. 1940 Margie []
Margie  (... Willoughby)  [актёр]
240. 1940 Michael Shayne: Private Detective []
Michael Shayne: Private Detective  (... Gambling Casino Patron)  [актёр]
241. 1940 My Love Came Back []
My Love Came Back  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
242. 1940 Parole Fixer []
Parole Fixer  (... Mr. Tilden)  [актёр]
243. 1940 Saint Takes Over, The []
Saint Takes Over, The  (... Extra in Club Weldon)  [актёр]
244. 1940 Девушка в 313 []
Girl in 313  (... Extra at Fashion Show)  [актёр]
245. 1940 Дьявольская летучая мышь []
Devil Bat, The  (... Martin Heath)  [актёр]
246. 1940 Малышка Нелли Келли []
Little Nellie Kelly  (... Guest at Policeman's Ball)  [актёр]
247. 1940 Они ехали ночью []
They Drive by Night  (... Extra in Courtroom)  [актёр]
248. 1940 Прежде, чем меня повесят []
Before I Hang  (... Courtroom Spectator)  [актёр]
249. 1940 Приключение бриллиантов []
Adventure in Diamonds  (... Gardens Club Patron)  [актёр]
250. 1940 Мост Ватерлоо ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Waterloo Bridge  (... Dance Floor Extra)  [актёр]
251. 1940 Дорога в Сингапур ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Road to Singapore  (... Chaperone's Companion)  [актёр]
252. 1940 Иностранный корреспондент ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Foreign Correspondent  (... Luncheon Guest)  [актёр]
253. 1940 Дорога на Санта-Фе ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Santa Fe Trail  (... Extra in Washington Party)  [актёр]
254. 1940 Сын Монте Кристо ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Son of Monte Cristo, The  (... Officer)  [актёр]
255. 1940 Чамп в Оксфорде ../../ctrls/us_big.png
A Chump at Oxford  (... Dinner Guest)  [актёр]
256. 1941 Bedtime Story []
Bedtime Story  (... Closing Night Audience Member)  [актёр]
257. 1941 Broadway Limited []
Broadway Limited  (... Passenger in Dining Car)  [актёр]
258. 1941 Free and Easy []
Free and Easy  (... Racetrack Spectator&Gambler&Party Guest)  [актёр]
259. 1941 Honeymoon for Three []
Honeymoon for Three  (... Hotel Restaurant Patron)  [актёр]
260. 1941 Honolulu Lu []
Honolulu Lu  (... Tourist)  [актёр]
261. 1941 Moon Over Her Shoulder []
Moon Over Her Shoulder  (... Melvin Lathwood)  [актёр]
262. 1941 Road Show []
Road Show  (... Asylum Inmate)  [актёр]
263. 1941 Tanks a Million []
Tanks a Million  (... Radio Station Representative)  [актёр]
264. 1941 Tight Shoes []
Tight Shoes  (... )  [актёр]
265. 1941 Too Many Blondes []
Too Many Blondes  (... Nightclub Patron)  [актёр]
266. 1941 За здоровье мисс Бишоп []
За здоровье мисс Бишоп  (... Dinner Guest)  [актёр]
267. 1941 Луизианская покупка []
Louisiana Purchase  (... Senator)  [актёр]
268. 1941 Отец женится []
Father Takes a Wife  (... Extra as Wedding Guest)  [актёр]
269. 1941 Переулок []
Back Street  (... Man Going to New Year's Eve Party)  [актёр]
270. 1941 Рождение блюза []
Birth of the Blues  (... Cafe Patron)  [актёр]
271. 1941 Санни []
Sunny  (... Mr. Runnymeade)  [актёр]
272. 1941 Великая ложь ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Great Lie, The  (... Man Greeting Sandra Backstage)  [актёр]
273. 1941 Жестокий Шанхай ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Shanghai Gesture, The  (... Casino Patron)  [актёр]
274. 1941 Всё началось с Евы ../../ctrls/us_big.png
It Started with Eve  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
275. 1942 A Yank at Eton []
A Yank at Eton  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
276. 1942 Are Husbands Necessary? []
Are Husbands Necessary?  (... Guest)  [актёр]
277. 1942 Brooklyn Orchid []
Brooklyn Orchid  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
278. 1942 Just Off Broadway []
Just Off Broadway  (... Juryman)  [актёр]
279. 1942 Lady for a Night []
Lady for a Night  (... Party Guest&Courtroom Spectator)  [актёр]
280. 1942 Male Animal, The []
Male Animal, The  (... Man Seated Next to Keller During Speech)  [актёр]
281. 1942 My Favorite Spy []
My Favorite Spy  (... Nightclub Patron)  [актёр]
282. 1942 Private Buckaroo []
Private Buckaroo  (... Nightclub Patron)  [актёр]
283. 1942 Ship Ahoy []
Ship Ahoy  (... Passenger)  [актёр]
284. 1942 Ее картонный любовник []
Her Cardboard Lover  (... Casino Game Spectator)  [актёр]
285. 1942 Загони их, ковбой []
Ride 'Em Cowboy  (... Bus Passenger)  [актёр]
286. 1942 Между нами девочками []
Between Us Girls  (... Play Spectator in Front Row)  [актёр]
287. 1942 Сюда мы вернёмся снова []
Here We Go Again  (... Nightclub Extra)  [актёр]
288. 1942 Ты никогда не была восхитительнее ../../ctrls/us_big.png
You Were Never Lovelier  (... Wedding Guest Getting Drink from Eduardo)  [актёр]
289. 1942 Питтсбург ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Pittsburgh  (... Mr. Simons - Wedding Reception Guest)  [актёр]
290. 1942 Стеклянный ключ ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Glass Key, The  (... Man at Campaign Headquarters)  [актёр]
291. 1942 Я женился на ведьме ../../ctrls/us_big.png
I Married a Witch  (... Wedding Guest)  [актёр]
292. 1942 Майор и малютка ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Major and the Minor, The  (... Cadet Ball Guest)  [актёр]
293. 1943 Crazy House []
Crazy House  (... Bit Role)  [актёр]
294. 1943 Crystal Ball, The []
Crystal Ball, The  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
295. 1943 Gildersleeve on Broadway []
Gildersleeve on Broadway  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
296. 1943 Happy Go Lucky []
Happy Go Lucky  (... Nightclub Extra)  [актёр]
297. 1943 I Dood It []
I Dood It  (... Prospective Backer)  [актёр]
298. 1943 Mr. Lucky []
Mr. Lucky  (... Gambler)  [актёр]
299. 1943 Pilot #5 []
Pilot #5  (... Extra in Governor's Office)  [актёр]
300. 1943 True to Life []
True to Life  (... Porter House Guest)  [актёр]
301. 1943 Wintertime []
Wintertime  (... Well-Wisher)  [актёр]
302. 1943 Благодари судьбу []
Thank Your Lucky Stars  (... Dance Extra in Bette Davis Number)  [актёр]
303. 1943 Выше и выше []
Higher and Higher  (... Guest)  [актёр]
304. 1943 Дозор на Рейне []
Watch on the Rhine  (... German Embassy Ball Guest)  [актёр]
305. 1943 Тысячи приветствий []
Thousands Cheer  (... Guest)  [актёр]
306. 1943 Шведская лихорадка []
Swing Fever  (... Man in Gym)  [актёр]
307. 1943 Опасное погружение ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Crash Dive  (... Man at Hotel Registration Desk)  [актёр]
308. 1943 Сестра его дворецкого ../../ctrls/us_big.png
His Butler's Sister  (... Train Passenger)  [актёр]
309. 1943 Бессмертный сержант ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Immortal Sergeant  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
310. 1944 Bathing Beauty []
Bathing Beauty  (... Faculty Member)  [актёр]
311. 1944 Heavenly Days []
Heavenly Days  (... Senator)  [актёр]
312. 1944 In Our Time []
In Our Time  (... Ballet Attendee)  [актёр]
313. 1944 Murder in the Blue Room []
Murder in the Blue Room  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
314. 1944 Nabonga []
Nabonga  (... Trader)  [актёр]
315. 1944 Two Girls and a Sailor []
Two Girls and a Sailor  (... Middle-Aged Man)  [актёр]
316. 1944 Американский роман []
An American Romance  (... Corporation Executive)  [актёр]
317. 1944 Жилец []
Lodger, The  (... Backstage Extra)  [актёр]
318. 1944 История доктора Уоссела []
Story of Dr. Wassell, The  (... 'Janssen' Passenger)  [актёр]
319. 1944 Следуя за парнями []
Follow the Boys  (... Theatregoer)  [актёр]
320. 1944 Странная женщина []
Weird Woman  (... Party Guest)  [актёр]
321. 1944 Увидимся []
I'll Be Seeing You  (... Floorwalker in Women's Shop)  [актёр]
322. 1944 Шерлок Холмс и Паучиха ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Spider Woman, The  (... Casinl Patron)  [актёр]
323. 1944 Мистер Скеффингтон ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mr. Skeffington  (... Nightclub Extra)  [актёр]
324. 1945 Зажигательная блондинка []
Incendiary Blonde  (... New Year's Eve Party Patron)  [актёр]
325. 1945 Саратогская железнодорожная ветка []
Saratoga Trunk  (... Opera House Patron&Saratoga Park Hotel Guest)  [актёр]

в библиотеку
Селена Центр Дракон
