Эдгар Кеннеди  (Edgar Kennedy)
Эдгар Кеннеди / Edgar Kennedy Эдгар Кеннеди / Edgar Kennedy Эдгар Кеннеди / Edgar Kennedy Эдгар Кеннеди / Edgar Kennedy
Место рождения:
Озеро Сан-Антонио, Монтерей, штат Калифорния, США
Дата рождения:
26.04.1890 (телец [орех] • белый тигр)
Дата смерти:
1.85 м.
актёр, режиссёр
Другие имена: Charles Haggerty; E. Livingston Kennedy; Ed. Kennedy; Edward Kennedy; Ed Kenned

• Полное имя - Эдгар Ливингстон Кеннеди / Edgar Livingston Kennedy.
• За свой вклад в развитие киноиндустрии Эдгар удостоен Звезды на Голливудской Аллее Славы. Её номер — 6901.
• Причина смерти - рак горла.

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1911 Brown of Harvard []
Brown of Harvard  (... Claxton Madden)  [актёр]
2. 1912 Hoffmeyer's Legacy []
Hoffmeyer's Legacy  (... Keystone Kop)  [актёр]
3. 1913 A Game of Pool []
A Game of Pool  (... Pool Hall Denizen, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
4. 1913 A Landlord's Troubles []
A Landlord's Troubles  (... )  [актёр]
5. 1913 A Life in the Balance []
A Life in the Balance  (... )  [актёр]
6. 1913 A Muddy Romance []
A Muddy Romance  (... Water Policeman)  [актёр]
7. 1913 A Noise from the Deep []
A Noise from the Deep  (... Minor Role, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
8. 1913 A Quiet Little Wedding []
A Quiet Little Wedding  (... Wedding Guest, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
9. 1913 A Ride for a Bride []
A Ride for a Bride  (... Man with Moustache, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
10. 1913 Algy on the Force []
Algy on the Force  (... Cop)  [актёр]
11. 1913 Bowling Match, The []
Bowling Match, The  (... Bowling Alley Operator)  [актёр]
12. 1913 Chief's Predicament, The []
Chief's Predicament, The  (... )  [актёр]
13. 1913 Cohen Saves the Flag []
Cohen Saves the Flag  (... )  [актёр]
14. 1913 Firebugs, The []
Firebugs, The  (... The Cop)  [актёр]
15. 1913 Forced Bravery []
Forced Bravery  (... )  [актёр]
16. 1913 Gangsters, The []
Gangsters, The  (... Henchman, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
17. 1913 Get Rich Quick []
Get Rich Quick  (... Henchman)  [актёр]
18. 1913 Gusher, The []
Gusher, The  (... Cop)  [актёр]
19. 1913 Heinze's Resurrection []
Heinze's Resurrection  (... )  [актёр]
20. 1913 Hide and Seek []
Hide and Seek  (... )  [актёр]
21. 1913 His Chum the Baron []
His Chum the Baron  (... )  [актёр]
22. 1913 Janitor, The []
Janitor, The  (... Cop)  [актёр]
23. 1913 Jealous Waiter, The []
Jealous Waiter, The  (... )  [актёр]
24. 1913 Just Kids []
Just Kids  (... Cop in Station)  [актёр]
25. 1913 Love and Rubbish []
Love and Rubbish  (... 1st Cop)  [актёр]
26. 1913 Mabel's Awful Mistake []
Mabel's Awful Mistake  (... )  [актёр]
27. 1913 Mabel's Awful Mistakes []
Mabel's Awful Mistakes  (... )  [актёр]
28. 1913 Mabel's Heroes []
Mabel's Heroes  (... )  [актёр]
29. 1913 Mabel's New Hero []
Mabel's New Hero  (... Cop)  [актёр]
30. 1913 Man Next Door, The []
Man Next Door, The  (... Cop)  [актёр]
31. 1913 Mother's Boy []
Mother's Boy  (... Mug, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
32. 1913 New Conductor, The []
New Conductor, The  (... Streetcar Passenger)  [актёр]
33. 1913 Out and In []
Out and In  (... 1st Guard)  [актёр]
34. 1913 Peeping Pete []
Peeping Pete  (... The Cop)  [актёр]
35. 1913 Rastus and the Game Cock []
Rastus and the Game Cock  (... Audience Spectator)  [актёр]
36. 1913 Riot, The []
Riot, The  (... Cop, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
37. 1913 Rural Third Degree, The []
Rural Third Degree, The  (... Cop)  [актёр]
38. 1913 Safe in Jail []
Safe in Jail  (... 1st Crook)  [актёр]
39. 1913 Some Nerve []
Some Nerve  (... )  [актёр]
40. 1913 That Ragtime Band []
That Ragtime Band  (... Stage Manager)  [актёр]
41. 1913 Their First Execution []
Their First Execution  (... Cop)  [актёр]
42. 1913 Their Husbands []
Their Husbands  (... Sheriff's Assistant)  [актёр]
43. 1913 Toplitsky and Company []
Toplitsky and Company  (... Masseur)  [актёр]
44. 1913 Twixt Love and Fire []
Twixt Love and Fire  (... The Jealous Husband)  [актёр]
45. 1913 What Father Saw []
What Father Saw  (... )  [актёр]
46. 1913 Zuzu, the Band Leader []
Zuzu, the Band Leader  (... Caesar - Zuzu's Rival)  [актёр]
47. 1913 Фатти вступает в полицию ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Fatty Joins the Force  (... Jealous Cop in Park)  [актёр]
48. 1913 Бэнгвильская полиция ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Bangville Police, The  (... 3rd Deputy)  [актёр]
49. 1913 Драматическая карьера Мэйбл ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mabel's Dramatic Career  (... Man in Audience / Cop in Movie, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
50. 1913 Короли скорости ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Speed Kings, The  (... Laughing Man in Crowd, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
51. 1914 A Thief Catcher []
A Thief Catcher  (... Crook)  [актёр]
52. 1914 Ambrose's First Falsehood []
Ambrose's First Falsehood  (... )  [актёр]
53. 1914 Curses! They Remarked []
Curses! They Remarked  (... )  [актёр]
54. 1914 In the Clutches of the Gang []
In the Clutches of the Gang  (... Cop)  [актёр]
55. 1914 Little Billy's Triumph []
Little Billy's Triumph  (... Policeman)  [актёр]
56. 1914 Mabel's Stormy Love Affair []
Mabel's Stormy Love Affair  (... )  [актёр]
57. 1914 Noise of Bombs, The []
Noise of Bombs, The  (... Police Chief)  [актёр]
58. 1914 Our Country Cousin []
Our Country Cousin  (... )  [актёр]
59. 1914 Rebecca's Wedding Day []
Rebecca's Wedding Day  (... The Groom)  [актёр]
60. 1914 Won in a Closet []
Won in a Closet  (... )  [актёр]
61. 1914 Зарабатывая на жизнь ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Making a Living  (... Car Wreck Bystander)  [актёр]
62. 1914 Фильм Джонни ../../ctrls/us_big.png
A Film Johnnie  (... The Director, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
63. 1914 Его любимое времяпрепровождение ../../ctrls/us_big.png
His Favorite Pastime  (... Tough Guy in Bar, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
64. 1914 Жестокая, жестокая любовь ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Cruel, Cruel Love  (... Lord Helpus' Butler)  [актёр]
65. 1914 Любимец домовладелицы ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Star Boarder, The  (... Landlady's Husband)  [актёр]
66. 1914 20 минут любви ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Twenty Minutes of Love  (... Lover)  [актёр]
67. 1914 Застигнутый в кабаре ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Caught in a Cabaret  (... Cafe Proprietor)  [актёр]
68. 1914 Нокаут ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Knockout, The  (... Cyclone Flynn)  [актёр]
69. 1914 Деловой день Мейбл ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mabel's Busy Day  (... Tough hot dog customer)  [актёр]
70. 1914 Танцевальный зал ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Tango Tangles  (... Dance Hall Manager, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
71. 1914 Повесы ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Rounders, The  (... Bit Part, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
72. 1914 Тесто и динамит ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Dough and Dynamite  (... Striking Baker)  [актёр]
73. 1914 Невозмутимый джентльмен ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Gentlemen of Nerve  (... Policeman)  [актёр]
74. 1914 Прерванный роман Тилли ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Tillie's Punctured Romance  (... Restaurant Owner, Servant, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
75. 1914 Состаявшееся знакомство ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Getting Acquainted  (... Policeman)  [актёр]
76. 1914 Мэйбл за рулем ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mabel at the Wheel  (... Spectator in Grandstand, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
77. 1914 Ошибка флирта ../../ctrls/us_big.png
A Flirt's Mistake  (... The Rajah)  [актёр]
78. 1914 Вводя в заблуждение Лиззи ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Leading Lizzie Astray  (... The Slicker's Chauffeur)  [актёр]
79. 1915 A Game Old Knight []
A Game Old Knight  (... )  [актёр]
80. 1915 A Lover's Lost Control []
A Lover's Lost Control  (... )  [актёр]
81. 1915 A Submarine Pirate []
A Submarine Pirate  (... )  [актёр]
82. 1915 Ambrose's Sour Grapes []
Ambrose's Sour Grapes  (... The Second Twin's Husband)  [актёр]
83. 1915 Battle of Ambrose and Walrus, The []
Battle of Ambrose and Walrus, The  (... )  [актёр]
84. 1915 Caught in a Park []
Caught in a Park  (... )  [актёр]
85. 1915 Caught in the Act []
Caught in the Act  (... )  [актёр]
86. 1915 Fatty and the Broadway Stars []
Fatty and the Broadway Stars  (... )  [актёр]
87. 1915 Fickle Fatty's Fall []
Fickle Fatty's Fall  (... )  [актёр]
88. 1915 Giddy, Gay, and Ticklish []
Giddy, Gay, and Ticklish  (... Barber)  [актёр]
89. 1915 Great Vacuum Robbery, The []
Great Vacuum Robbery, The  (... )  [актёр]
90. 1915 Gussle Rivals Jonah []
Gussle Rivals Jonah  (... )  [актёр]
91. 1915 Gussle Tied to Trouble []
Gussle Tied to Trouble  (... )  [актёр]
92. 1915 Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers []
Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers  (... Masher)  [актёр]
93. 1915 Tools of Providence []
Tools of Providence  (... Undetermined Role, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
94. 1915 Новая роль Фатти ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Fatty's New Role  (... Man Who Gives Handout, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
95. 1915 Фатти и Мейбл на выставке в Сан-Диего ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Fatty and Mabel at the San Diego Exposition  (... Cop)  [актёр]
96. 1915 Фатти и Мейбл день стирки ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day  (... The Waiter, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
97. 1915 Отважный щенок Фатти ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Fatty's Plucky Pup  (... Shell Game Operator, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
98. 1915 Опрометчивый шаг Фатти ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Fatty's Reckless Fling  (... Neighbor)  [актёр]
99. 1915 Своя дорога Мейбл ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mabel's Wilful Way  (... Fatty's Pal, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
100. 1915 Эта маленькая полоска золота ../../ctrls/us_big.png
That Little Band of Gold  (... Customer, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
101. 1915 Приставание к Мейбл ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Wished on Mabel  (... Cop)  [актёр]
102. 1915 Путаница из-за фотографии ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Fatty's Tintype Tangle  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
103. 1916 A Scoundrel's Toll []
A Scoundrel's Toll  (... )  [актёр]
104. 1916 Ambrose's Cup of Woe []
Ambrose's Cup of Woe  (... Artist)  [актёр]
105. 1916 Bombs! []
Bombs!  (... Italian Ward Leader)  [актёр]
106. 1916 Bucking Society []
Bucking Society  (... )  [актёр]
107. 1916 Her Marble Heart []
Her Marble Heart  (... )  [актёр]
108. 1916 His Bitter Pill []
His Bitter Pill  (... His Rival)  [актёр]
109. 1916 His Hereafter []
His Hereafter  (... )  [актёр]
110. 1916 Madcap Ambrose []
Madcap Ambrose  (... )  [актёр]
111. 1917 Blue Streak, The []
Blue Streak, The  (... )  [актёр]
112. 1917 Her Fame and Shame []
Her Fame and Shame  (... )  [актёр]
113. 1917 Her Torpedoed Love []
Her Torpedoed Love  (... )  [актёр]
114. 1917 Hero for a Minute []
Hero for a Minute  (... )  [актёр]
115. 1917 Oriental Love []
Oriental Love  (... )  [актёр]
116. 1917 Skidding Hearts []
Skidding Hearts  (... )  [актёр]
117. 1917 Whose Baby? []
Whose Baby?  (... )  [актёр]
118. 1918 A Self-Made Lady []
A Self-Made Lady  (... )  [актёр]
119. 1918 Her Screen Idol []
Her Screen Idol  (... )  [актёр]
120. 1918 Kitchen Lady, The []
Kitchen Lady, The  (... )  [актёр]
121. 1918 She Loved Him Plenty []
She Loved Him Plenty  (... )  [актёр]
122. 1918 Watch Your Neighbor []
Watch Your Neighbor  (... An Innocent Bystander)  [актёр]
123. 1918 Микки ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mickey  (... Bookie, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
124. 1919 Among Those Present []
Among Those Present  (... Cafe Manager)  [актёр]
125. 1919 Hearts and Flowers []
Hearts and Flowers  (... Pete, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
126. 1919 Love's False Faces []
Love's False Faces  (... )  [актёр]
127. 1919 Roaming Bathtub, The []
Roaming Bathtub, The  (... )  [актёр]
128. 1919 Treating 'Em Rough []
Treating 'Em Rough  (... A strong man)  [актёр]
129. 1919 Yankee Doodle in Berlin []
Yankee Doodle in Berlin  (... German Prison Guard, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
130. 1920 A Lightweight Lover []
A Lightweight Lover  (... )  [актёр]
131. 1920 Chase Me []
Chase Me  (... )  [актёр]
132. 1920 Daredevil Jack []
Daredevil Jack  (... )  [актёр]
133. 1920 Four Times Foiled []
Four Times Foiled  (... )  [актёр]
134. 1920 Her Naughty Wink []
Her Naughty Wink  (... )  [актёр]
135. 1920 Huntsman, The []
Huntsman, The  (... )  [актёр]
136. 1920 Through the Keyhole []
Through the Keyhole  (... )  [актёр]
137. 1920 You Tell 'Em, Lions, I'll Roar []
You Tell 'Em, Lions, I'll Roar  (... )  [актёр]
138. 1921 Chauffeur, The []
Chauffeur, The  (... )  [актёр]
139. 1921 Skirts []
Skirts  (... )  [актёр]
140. 1921 Toreador, The []
Toreador, The  (... )  [актёр]
141. 1922 Eskimo, The []
Eskimo, The  (... )  [актёр]
142. 1922 Fresh Heir, The []
Fresh Heir, The  (... )  [актёр, режиссёр]
143. 1922 High and Dry []
High and Dry  (... )  [актёр]
144. 1922 His Wife's Son []
His Wife's Son  (... )  [режиссёр]
145. 1922 Lazy Bones []
Lazy Bones  (... )  [актёр]
146. 1922 Leather Pushers, The []
Leather Pushers, The  (... Ptomaine Tommy)  [актёр]
147. 1922 Safe in the Safe []
Safe in the Safe  (... )  [режиссёр]
148. 1922 Step Lively, Please []
Step Lively, Please  (... )  [режиссёр]
149. 1923 Artist, The []
Artist, The  (... )  [актёр]
150. 1923 Cyclist, The []
Cyclist, The  (... )  [актёр]
151. 1923 F.O.B. []
F.O.B.  (... )  [актёр]
152. 1924 All's Swell on the Ocean []
All's Swell on the Ocean  (... )  [актёр]
153. 1924 Battling Fool, The []
Battling Fool, The  (... Dan O'Leary)  [актёр]
154. 1924 Big Boy Blue []
Big Boy Blue  (... )  [актёр]
155. 1924 Broncho Express, The []
Broncho Express, The  (... )  [актёр]
156. 1924 Hot Air []
Hot Air  (... )  [актёр]
157. 1924 Love's Sweet Piffle []
Love's Sweet Piffle  (... )  [режиссёр]
158. 1924 Night Message, The []
Night Message, The  (... Lem Beeman)  [актёр]
159. 1924 Racing for Life []
Racing for Life  (... Tom Grady)  [актёр]
160. 1924 Reel Virginian, The []
Reel Virginian, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
161. 1924 Three Foolish Weeks []
Three Foolish Weeks  (... )  [режиссёр]
162. 1924 Wall Street Blues []
Wall Street Blues  (... )  [актёр]
163. 1925 Cagey Love []
Cagey Love  (... The Boss)  [актёр]
164. 1925 Cupid's Boots []
Cupid's Boots  (... )  [актёр, режиссёр]
165. 1925 Golden Princess, The []
Golden Princess, The  (... Gewilliker Hay)  [актёр]
166. 1925 His People []
His People  (... Thomas Nolan, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
167. 1925 Marriage Circus, The []
Marriage Circus, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
168. 1925 Paths to Paradise []
Paths to Paradise  (... Detective, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
169. 1925 People vs. Nancy Preston, The []
People vs. Nancy Preston, The  (... Gloomy Gus)  [актёр]
170. 1926 A Couple of Skates []
A Couple of Skates  (... )  [режиссёр]
171. 1926 Across the Pacific []
Across the Pacific  (... Cpl. Ryan)  [актёр]
172. 1926 Better 'Ole, The []
Better 'Ole, The  (... Cpl. Austin)  [актёр]
173. 1926 For Cryin' Out Loud! []
For Cryin' Out Loud!  (... )  [режиссёр]
174. 1926 Going Crooked []
Going Crooked  (... Detective)  [актёр]
175. 1926 Hot Dog []
Hot Dog  (... Eddie,)  [актёр, режиссёр]
176. 1926 My Old Dutch []
My Old Dutch  (... Bill Sproat)  [актёр]
177. 1926 Oh What a Nurse! []
Oh What a Nurse!  (... Eric Johnson)  [актёр]
178. 1926 Olga's Boatman []
Olga's Boatman  (... )  [режиссёр]
179. 1926 Prep School []
Prep School  (... )  [режиссёр]
180. 1926 Separated Sweethearts []
Separated Sweethearts  (... )  [режиссёр]
181. 1926 Two Dollars, Please []
Two Dollars, Please  (... )  [режиссёр]
182. 1927 Chinese Parrot, The []
Chinese Parrot, The  (... Maydorf)  [актёр]
183. 1927 Do or Diet []
Do or Diet  (... )  [режиссёр]
184. 1927 Finger Prints []
Finger Prints  (... O.K. McDuff)  [актёр]
185. 1927 Gay Old Bird, The []
Gay Old Bird, The  (... Chauffeur)  [актёр]
186. 1927 Wedding Bill$ []
Wedding Bill$  (... Detective)  [актёр]
187. 1927 Wrong Mr. Wright, The []
Wrong Mr. Wright, The  (... Trayguard)  [актёр]
188. 1928 All Parts []
All Parts  (... )  [актёр]
189. 1928 Booster, The []
Booster, The  (... )  [актёр]
190. 1928 Boy Friend, The []
Boy Friend, The  (... )  [актёр]
191. 1928 Chasing Husbands []
Chasing Husbands  (... )  [актёр]
192. 1928 Dumb Daddies []
Dumb Daddies  (... )  [актёр]
193. 1928 Family Group, The []
Family Group, The  (... A Photographer)  [актёр]
194. 1928 Feed 'em and Weep []
Feed 'em and Weep  (... Train conductor)  [актёр]
195. 1928 Fight Pest, The []
Fight Pest, The  (... )  [актёр]
196. 1928 Imagine My Embarrassment []
Imagine My Embarrassment  (... )  [актёр]
197. 1928 Is Everybody Happy? []
Is Everybody Happy?  (... )  [актёр]
198. 1928 Limousine Love []
Limousine Love  (... The Husband, Mr. Glenders)  [актёр]
199. 1928 You're Darn Tootin []
You're Darn Tootin  (... )  [режиссёр]
200. 1928 Два моряка []
Two Tars  (... Motorist)  [актёр]
201. 1928 От супа до десерта ../../ctrls/us_big.png
From Soup to Nuts  (... )  [режиссёр]
202. 1928 Последний штрих ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Finishing Touch, The  (... Cop)  [актёр]
203. 1928 Пускай смеются ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Leave 'Em Laughing  (... Cop)  [актёр]
204. 1928 Женатые мужчины должны оставаться дома? ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Should Married Men Go Home?  (... Golfer, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
205. 1929 A Pair of Tights []
A Pair of Tights  (... The Boss)  [актёр]
206. 1929 Bacon Grabbers []
Bacon Grabbers  (... Collis P. Kennedy)  [актёр]
207. 1929 Big Squawk, The []
Big Squawk, The  (... Orchestra Leader, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
208. 1929 Crazy Feet []
Crazy Feet  (... )  [актёр]
209. 1929 Going Ga-ga []
Going Ga-ga  (... )  [актёр]
210. 1929 Great Gobs []
Great Gobs  (... )  [актёр]
211. 1929 Hotter Than Hot []
Hotter Than Hot  (... )  [актёр]
212. 1929 Hurdy Gurdy []
Hurdy Gurdy  (... )  [актёр]
213. 1929 Madame Q []
Madame Q  (... )  [актёр]
214. 1929 Moan & Groan, Inc. []
Moan & Groan, Inc.  (... Kennedy the Cop)  [актёр]
215. 1929 Off to Buffalo []
Off to Buffalo  (... )  [актёр]
216. 1929 They Had to See Paris []
They Had to See Paris  (... Ed Eggers)  [актёр]
217. 1929 Thundering Toupees []
Thundering Toupees  (... )  [актёр]
218. 1929 Trent's Last Case []
Trent's Last Case  (... Inspector Murch)  [актёр]
219. 1929 When Money Comes []
When Money Comes  (... )  [актёр]
220. 1929 Why Is a Plumber? []
Why Is a Plumber?  (... )  [актёр]
221. 1929 День отца []
Dad's Day  (... Dad)  [актёр]
222. 1929 Добро пожаловать, опасность []
Welcome Danger  (... Desk Sergeant SFPD, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
223. 1929 Ангорская любовь ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Angora Love  (... Landlord)  [актёр]
224. 1929 Идеальный день ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Perfect Day  (... Uncle Edgar)  [актёр]
225. 1929 Необычный как мы ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Unaccustomed As We Are  (... Officer Kennedy)  [актёр]
226. 1930 All Teed Up []
All Teed Up  (... Thelma's Father,)  [актёр, режиссёр]
227. 1930 Big Kick, The []
Big Kick, The  (... Detective)  [актёр]
228. 1930 Bigger and Better []
Bigger and Better  (... Uncle Ed Sutton,)  [актёр, режиссёр]
229. 1930 Doctor's Orders []
Doctor's Orders  (... Uncle)  [актёр]
230. 1930 Dollar Dizzy []
Dollar Dizzy  (... Quimby the Lawyer)  [актёр]
231. 1930 El jugador de golf []
El jugador de golf  (... )  [режиссёр]
232. 1930 Estacion de gasolina, La []
Estacion de gasolina, La  (... )  [актёр]
233. 1930 Fifty Million Husbands []
Fifty Million Husbands  (... Officer Kennedy,)  [актёр, режиссёр]
234. 1930 First Seven Years, The []
First Seven Years, The  (... Kennedy the Cop)  [актёр]
235. 1930 Girl Shock []
Girl Shock  (... )  [актёр]
236. 1930 Head Guy, The []
Head Guy, The  (... Station Master Kennedy)  [актёр]
237. 1930 Joueur de golf, Le []
Joueur de golf, Le  (... Bit Role,, в титрах не указан)  [актёр, режиссёр]
238. 1930 Ladies Last []
Ladies Last  (... Man in Telephone Booth, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
239. 1930 Looser Than Loose []
Looser Than Loose  (... Night Club Patron)  [актёр]
240. 1930 Moonlight and Monkey Business []
Moonlight and Monkey Business  (... )  [актёр]
241. 1930 Real McCoy, The []
Real McCoy, The  (... Cicero the Cop)  [актёр]
242. 1930 Shivering Shakespeare []
Shivering Shakespeare  (... Kennedy the Cop)  [актёр]
243. 1930 When the Wind Blows []
When the Wind Blows  (... Kennedy the Cop)  [актёр]
244. 1930 Ладронс ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Ladrones  (... Officer)  [актёр]
245. 1930 Ночные воришки ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Night Owls  (... Officer Kennedy)  [актёр]
246. 1931 A Clean-Up on the Curb []
A Clean-Up on the Curb  (... Policeman)  [актёр]
247. 1931 All Gummed Up []
All Gummed Up  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
248. 1931 Bad Company []
Bad Company  (... Buffington - Doorman)  [актёр]
249. 1931 Camping Out []
Camping Out  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
250. 1931 Help Wanted, Female []
Help Wanted, Female  (... Gunner, Gentleman Burglar)  [актёр]
251. 1931 High Gear []
High Gear  (... Cop)  [актёр]
252. 1931 Lemon Meringue []
Lemon Meringue  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
253. 1931 Love Fever []
Love Fever  (... Thelma's Last Rescuer)  [актёр]
254. 1931 Next Door Neighbors []
Next Door Neighbors  (... Mr. Howard J. Green, composer)  [актёр]
255. 1931 Not So Loud []
Not So Loud  (... )  [актёр]
256. 1931 Rough House Rhythm []
Rough House Rhythm  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
257. 1931 Thanks Again []
Thanks Again  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
258. 1931 Легкие миллионы []
Quick Millions  (... Cop, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
259. 1932 Blondes by Proxy []
Blondes by Proxy  (... )  [режиссёр]
260. 1932 Bon Voyage []
Bon Voyage  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
261. 1932 Carnival Boat []
Carnival Boat  (... Baldy)  [актёр]
262. 1932 Fast Companions []
Fast Companions  (... Cop, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
263. 1932 Fish Feathers []
Fish Feathers  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
264. 1932 Giggle Water []
Giggle Water  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
265. 1932 Golf Chump, The []
Golf Chump, The  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
266. 1932 He's a Honey []
He's a Honey  (... )  [актёр]
267. 1932 Hold 'Em Jail []
Hold 'Em Jail  (... Warden Elmer Jones)  [актёр]
268. 1932 Mother-in-Law's Day []
Mother-in-Law's Day  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
269. 1932 Never the Twins Shall Meet []
Never the Twins Shall Meet  (... Mr. Carp)  [актёр]
270. 1932 Parlor, Bedroom and Wrath []
Parlor, Bedroom and Wrath  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
271. 1932 Penguin Pool Murder []
Penguin Pool Murder  (... Policeman Donovan)  [актёр]
272. 1932 Sign Here []
Sign Here  (... )  [актёр]
273. 1932 Spot on the Rug, The []
Spot on the Rug, The  (... Jake&Jewel Thief)  [актёр]
274. 1932 Westward Passage []
Westward Passage  (... Elmer)  [актёр]
275. 1932 Рокабай []
Rockabye  (... Water Wagon Driver, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
276. 1932 Сиротка Энни []
Little Orphan Annie  (... Daddy Warbucks)  [актёр]
277. 1933 A Merchant of Menace []
A Merchant of Menace  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
278. 1933 Art in the Raw []
Art in the Raw  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
279. 1933 Cross Fire []
Cross Fire  (... Ed Wimpy)  [актёр]
280. 1933 Diplomaniacs []
Diplomaniacs  (... Chairman of Peace Conference, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
281. 1933 Good Housewrecking []
Good Housewrecking  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
282. 1933 Grin and Bear It []
Grin and Bear It  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
283. 1933 King for a Night []
King for a Night  (... Cop, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
284. 1933 Professional Sweetheart []
Professional Sweetheart  (... Tim Kelsey)  [актёр]
285. 1933 Quiet Please! []
Quiet Please!  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
286. 1933 Scarlet River []
Scarlet River  (... Sam Gilroy)  [актёр]
287. 1933 Son of the Border []
Son of the Border  (... Windy)  [актёр]
288. 1933 Tillie and Gus []
Tillie and Gus  (... The Judge)  [актёр]
289. 1933 What Fur []
What Fur  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
290. 1933 Утиный суп ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Duck Soup  (... Lemonade Vendor)  [актёр]
291. 1934 A Blasted Event []
A Blasted Event  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
292. 1934 All of Me []
All of Me  (... Guard)  [актёр]
293. 1934 Bachelor Bait []
Bachelor Bait  (... )  [актёр]
294. 1934 Flirting with Danger []
Flirting with Danger  (... Jimmie Pierson)  [актёр]
295. 1934 Gridiron Flash []
Gridiron Flash  (... Police Officer Pinkerton 'Pinky' Thurston)  [актёр]
296. 1934 Heat Lightning []
Heat Lightning  (... Herbert, the Husband)  [актёр]
297. 1934 In-Laws Are Out []
In-Laws Are Out  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
298. 1934 King Kelly of the U.S.A. []
King Kelly of the U.S.A.  (... Happy Moran)  [актёр]
299. 1934 Love on a Ladder []
Love on a Ladder  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
300. 1934 Marines Are Coming, The []
Marines Are Coming, The  (... Sgt. Buck Martin)  [актёр]
301. 1934 Money Means Nothing []
Money Means Nothing  (... Herbert Green)  [актёр]
302. 1934 Murder on the Blackboard []
Murder on the Blackboard  (... Detective Donahue)  [актёр]
303. 1934 Poisoned Ivory []
Poisoned Ivory  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
304. 1934 Silver Streak, The []
Silver Streak, The  (... Dan O'Brien, Train Engineer)  [актёр]
305. 1934 We're Rich Again []
We're Rich Again  (... Healy, process server)  [актёр]
306. 1934 Wrong Direction []
Wrong Direction  (... Edgar, movie director)  [актёр]
307. 1934 Миллионы малыша []
Kid Millions  (... Herman Wilson)  [актёр]
308. 1934 Оператор 13 []
Operator 13  (... Confederate officer jealous of artilleryman, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
309. 1934 Двадцатый век ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Twentieth Century  (... Oscar McGonigle)  [актёр]
310. 1935 A Night at the Biltmore Bowl []
A Night at the Biltmore Bowl  (... играет самого себя, Cameo Appearance)  [актёр]
311. 1935 Brick-a-Brac []
Brick-a-Brac  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
312. 1935 Bride Comes Home, The []
Bride Comes Home, The  (... Henry - Justice of the Peace)  [актёр]
313. 1935 Cowboy Millionaire, The []
Cowboy Millionaire, The  (... Willy 'Persimmon' Bates)  [актёр]
314. 1935 Edgar Hamlet []
Edgar Hamlet  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
315. 1935 Happy Tho' Married []
Happy Tho' Married  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
316. 1935 In Love at 40 []
In Love at 40  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
317. 1935 Little Big Shot []
Little Big Shot  (... Onderdonk)  [актёр]
318. 1935 Living on Velvet []
Living on Velvet  (... Counterman)  [актёр]
319. 1935 Rendezvous at Midnight []
Rendezvous at Midnight  (... Mahoney)  [актёр]
320. 1935 Sock Me to Sleep []
Sock Me to Sleep  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
321. 1935 South Seasickness []
South Seasickness  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
322. 1935 Woman Wanted []
Woman Wanted  (... House Detective Sweeney)  [актёр]
323. 1935 Тысяча долларов в минуту []
1,000 Dollars a Minute  (... Police Officer McCarthy)  [актёр]
324. 1936 Fatal Lady []
Fatal Lady  (... Rudolf Hochstetter)  [актёр]
325. 1936 Gasoloons []
Gasoloons  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
326. 1936 High Beer Pressure []
High Beer Pressure  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
327. 1936 It's Up to You []
It's Up to You  (... Elmer Block)  [актёр]
328. 1936 Mad Holiday []
Mad Holiday  (... Donovan)  [актёр]
329. 1936 Return of Jimmy Valentine, The []
Return of Jimmy Valentine, The  (... Callahan)  [актёр]
330. 1936 Robin Hood of El Dorado []
Robin Hood of El Dorado  (... Sheriff Judd)  [актёр]
331. 1936 Robin Hood of El Dorado, The []
Robin Hood of El Dorado, The  (... Sheriff Judd)  [актёр]
332. 1936 Three Men on a Horse []
Three Men on a Horse  (... Harry, the Bartender)  [актёр]
333. 1936 Vocalizing []
Vocalizing  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
334. 1936 Will Power []
Will Power  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
335. 1936 Yours for the Asking []
Yours for the Asking  (... Bicarbonate)  [актёр]
336. 1936 Провинциалка []
Small Town Girl  (... Captain Mack)  [актёр]
337. 1936 Фантомная боль []
Dummy Ache  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
338. 1936 Сан-Франциско ../../ctrls/us_big.png
San Francisco  (... Sheriff)  [актёр]
339. 1937 Bad Housekeeping []
Bad Housekeeping  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
340. 1937 Double Wedding []
Double Wedding  (... Spike)  [актёр]
341. 1937 Dumb's the Word []
Dumb's the Word  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
342. 1937 Edgar & Goliath []
Edgar & Goliath  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
343. 1937 Hillbilly Goat, The []
Hillbilly Goat, The  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
344. 1937 Locks and Bonds []
Locks and Bonds  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
345. 1937 Morning Judge []
Morning Judge  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
346. 1937 Super-Sleuth []
Super-Sleuth  (... Police Lt. Garrison)  [актёр]
347. 1937 Tramp Trouble []
Tramp Trouble  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
348. 1937 When's Your Birthday? []
When's Your Birthday?  (... Mr. Henry Basscombe)  [актёр]
349. 1937 Отель «Голливуд» []
Hollywood Hotel  (... Callaghan)  [актёр]
350. 1937 Звезда родилась ../../ctrls/us_big.png
A Star Is Born  (... Pop Randall, landlord)  [актёр]
351. 1937 Чистосердечное признание ../../ctrls/us_big.png
True Confession  (... Darsey)  [актёр]
352. 1938 A Clean Sweep []
A Clean Sweep  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
353. 1938 Beaux and Errors []
Beaux and Errors  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
354. 1938 Black Doll, The []
Black Doll, The  (... Sheriff Renick)  [актёр]
355. 1938 Ears of Experience []
Ears of Experience  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
356. 1938 False Roomers []
False Roomers  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
357. 1938 Fool Coverage []
Fool Coverage  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
358. 1938 Hey! Hey! USA []
Hey! Hey! USA  (... Bugs Leary)  [актёр]
359. 1938 Kennedy's Castle []
Kennedy's Castle  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
360. 1938 Peck's Bad Boy with the Circus []
Peck's Bad Boy with the Circus  (... Arthur Bailey)  [актёр]
361. 1938 Scandal Street []
Scandal Street  (... Daniel Webster Smith)  [актёр]
362. 1939 Act Your Age []
Act Your Age  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
363. 1939 Baby Daze []
Baby Daze  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
364. 1939 Clock Wise []
Clock Wise  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
365. 1939 Everything's on Ice []
Everything's on Ice  (... Joe Barton)  [актёр]
366. 1939 Feathered Pests []
Feathered Pests  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
367. 1939 Kennedy the Great []
Kennedy the Great  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
368. 1939 Laugh It Off []
Laugh It Off  (... Judge John J. McGuinnis)  [актёр]
369. 1939 Little Accident []
Little Accident  (... Paper Hanger)  [актёр]
370. 1939 Maid to Order []
Maid to Order  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
371. 1939 Чарли МакКарти, детектив []
Charlie McCarthy, Detective  (... Inspector Dailey)  [актёр]
372. 1939 Этот замечательный мир []
It's a Wonderful World  (... Lieutenant Miller)  [актёр]
373. 1940 'Taint Legal []
'Taint Legal  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
374. 1940 Bride Wore Crutches, The []
Bride Wore Crutches, The  (... Police Captain McGuire)  [актёр]
375. 1940 Dr. Christian Meets the Women []
Dr. Christian Meets the Women  (... George Browning)  [актёр]
376. 1940 Drafted in the Depot []
Drafted in the Depot  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
377. 1940 Li'l Abner []
Li'l Abner  (... Cornelius Cornpone)  [актёр]
378. 1940 Margie []
Margie  (... Chauncey)  [актёр]
379. 1940 Quarterback, The []
Quarterback, The  (... Pops)  [актёр]
380. 1940 Remedy for Riches []
Remedy for Riches  (... George Browning)  [актёр]
381. 1940 Sandy Gets Her Man []
Sandy Gets Her Man  (... Fire Chief Galvin)  [актёр]
382. 1940 Sandy Is a Lady []
Sandy Is a Lady  (... Officer Rafferty)  [актёр]
383. 1940 Sunk by the Census []
Sunk by the Census  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
384. 1940 Trailer Tragedy []
Trailer Tragedy  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
385. 1940 Who Killed Aunt Maggie? []
Who Killed Aunt Maggie?  (... Sheriff Gregory)  [актёр]
386. 1941 A Quiet Fourth []
A Quiet Fourth  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
387. 1941 An Apple in His Eye []
An Apple in His Eye  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
388. 1941 Blondie in Society []
Blondie in Society  (... Doctor Glenn, Veterinarian)  [актёр]
389. 1941 I'll Fix It []
I'll Fix It  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
390. 1941 It Happened All Night []
It Happened All Night  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
391. 1941 Mad About Moonshine []
Mad About Moonshine  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
392. 1941 Public Enemies []
Public Enemies  (... Biff)  [актёр]
393. 1941 Too Many Blondes []
Too Many Blondes  (... Hotel Manager, в титрах не указан)  [актёр]
394. 1941 Westward Ho-Hum []
Westward Ho-Hum  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
395. 1942 Cooks and Crooks []
Cooks and Crooks  (... Edgar, the Private Detective)  [актёр]
396. 1942 Duck Soup []
Duck Soup  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
397. 1942 Heart Burn []
Heart Burn  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
398. 1942 Hillbilly Blitzkrieg []
Hillbilly Blitzkrieg  (... Sgt. Homer Gatling)  [актёр]
399. 1942 Inferior Decorator []
Inferior Decorator  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
400. 1942 Pardon My Stripes []
Pardon My Stripes  (... Warden Bingham)  [актёр]
401. 1942 Private Snuffy Smith []
Private Snuffy Smith  (... The Sergeant)  [актёр]
402. 1942 Rough on Rents []
Rough on Rents  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
403. 1942 Two for the Money []
Two for the Money  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
404. 1942 Каждую минуту рождается человек []
There's One Born Every Minute  (... Mayor Moe Carson)  [актёр]
405. 1942 В старой Калифорнии ../../ctrls/us_big.png
In Old California  (... Kegs McKeever)  [актёр]
406. 1943 Cosmo Jones, Crime Smasher []
Cosmo Jones, Crime Smasher  (... Police Chief Murphy)  [актёр]
407. 1943 Crazy House []
Crazy House  (... Judge)  [актёр]
408. 1943 Falcon Strikes Back, The []
Falcon Strikes Back, The  (... Smiley Dugan)  [актёр]
409. 1943 Girl from Monterrey, The []
Girl from Monterrey, The  (... Doc Hogan, Fight Promoter)  [актёр]
410. 1943 Hitler's Madman []
Hitler's Madman  (... Nepomuk, the hermit)  [актёр]
411. 1943 Hold Your Temper []
Hold Your Temper  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
412. 1943 Hot Foot []
Hot Foot  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
413. 1943 Indian Signs []
Indian Signs  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
414. 1943 Unlucky Dog []
Unlucky Dog  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
415. 1943 Воздушные рейдеры []
Air Raid Wardens  (... Joe Bledsoe)  [актёр]
416. 1944 Feather Your Nest []
Feather Your Nest  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
417. 1944 Great Alaskan Mystery, The []
Great Alaskan Mystery, The  (... Bosun Higgins)  [актёр]
418. 1944 Kitchen Cynic, The []
Kitchen Cynic, The  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
419. 1944 Love Your Landlord []
Love Your Landlord  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
420. 1944 Prunes and Politics []
Prunes and Politics  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
421. 1944 Radio Rampage []
Radio Rampage  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
422. 1944 Это случилось завтра []
It Happened Tomorrow  (... Inspector Mulrooney)  [актёр]
423. 1945 Alibi Baby []
Alibi Baby  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
424. 1945 Big Beef, The []
Big Beef, The  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
425. 1945 Captain Tugboat Annie []
Captain Tugboat Annie  (... Captain Bullwinkle)  [актёр]
426. 1945 It's Your Move []
It's Your Move  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
427. 1945 Mother-In-Law's Day []
Mother-In-Law's Day  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
428. 1945 Sleepless Tuesday []
Sleepless Tuesday  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
429. 1945 What, No Cigarettes? []
What, No Cigarettes?  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
430. 1945 You Drive Me Crazy []
You Drive Me Crazy  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
431. 1945 Поднять якоря ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Anchors Aweigh  (... Police Captain)  [актёр]
432. 1946 I'll Build It Myself []
I'll Build It Myself  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
433. 1946 Motor Maniacs []
Motor Maniacs  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
434. 1946 Noisy Neighbors []
Noisy Neighbors  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
435. 1946 Social Terrors []
Social Terrors  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
436. 1946 Trouble or Nothing []
Trouble or Nothing  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
437. 1946 Wall Street Blues []
Wall Street Blues  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
438. 1947 Do or Diet []
Do or Diet  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
439. 1947 Heading for Trouble []
Heading for Trouble  (... Edgar Kennedy)  [актёр]
440. 1947 Heaven Only Knows []
Heaven Only Knows  (... Judd)  [актёр]
441. 1947 Hollywood Bound []
Hollywood Bound  (... играет самого себя, Cameo Appearance, хроника)  [актёр]
442. 1947 Host to a Ghost []
Host to a Ghost  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
443. 1947 Mind Over Mouse []
Mind Over Mouse  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
444. 1947 Television Turmoil []
Television Turmoil  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
445. 1947 Грехи господина Дидлбока ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Sin of Harold Diddlebock, The  (... Jake)  [актёр]
446. 1948 Brother Knows Best []
Brother Knows Best  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
447. 1948 Contest Crazy []
Contest Crazy  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
448. 1948 Dig That Gold []
Dig That Gold  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
449. 1948 Home Canning []
Home Canning  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
450. 1948 How to Clean House []
How to Clean House  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
451. 1948 No More Relatives []
No More Relatives  (... Edgar)  [актёр]
452. 1948 Variety Time []
Variety Time  (... Edgar Kennedy, хроника)  [актёр]
453. 1948 Только ваш ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Unfaithfully Yours  (... Detective Sweeney)  [актёр]
454. 1949 Мои сны твои []
My Dream Is Yours  (... Uncle Charlie)  [актёр]
455. 1960 Когда комедия была королем кино []
When Comedy Was King  (... edited from 'A Pair of Tights', хроника)  [актёр]
456. 1963 Sound of Laughter, The []
Sound of Laughter, The  (... Man in hotel fountain, хроника)  [актёр]
457. 1965 Laurel and Hardy's Laughing 20's []
Laurel and Hardy's Laughing 20's  (... хроника)  [актёр]
458. 1968 Further Perils of Laurel and Hardy, The []
Further Perils of Laurel and Hardy, The  (... хроника)  [актёр]
459. 1975 Hooray for Hollywood []
Hooray for Hollywood  (... играет самого себя, хроника)  [актёр]
460. 2005 Забытые фильмы Роско «Толстяка» Арбакля ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Forgotten Films of Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle, The  (... хроника)  [актёр]

в библиотеку
Селена Центр Дракон
