Бернхард Каун  (Bernhard Kaun)
Бернхард Каун / Bernhard Kaun Бернхард Каун / Bernhard Kaun
Место рождения:
Милуоки, штат Висконсин, США
Дата рождения:
05.04.1899 (овен [рябина] • жёлтый кабан)
Дата смерти:
Другие имена: Bernard Kau

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1926 Midnight Sun, The []
Midnight Sun, The  (... )  [композитор]
2. 1931 Heaven on Earth []
Heaven on Earth  (... )  [композитор]
3. 1931 Rich Man's Folly []
Rich Man's Folly  (... )  [композитор]
4. 1931 Франкенштейн ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Frankenstein  (... )  [композитор]
5. 1931 Платиновая блондинка ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Platinum Blonde  (... )  [композитор]
6. 1932 20 000 лет в Синг Синге []
20,000 Years in Sing Sing  (... )  [композитор]
7. 1932 A Successful Calamity []
A Successful Calamity  (... )  [композитор]
8. 1932 Alias the Doctor []
Alias the Doctor  (... )  [композитор]
9. 1932 Big City Blues []
Big City Blues  (... )  [композитор]
10. 1932 Famous Ferguson Case, The []
Famous Ferguson Case, The  (... )  [композитор]
11. 1932 Hatchet Man, The []
Hatchet Man, The  (... )  [композитор]
12. 1932 Jewel Robbery []
Jewel Robbery  (... )  [композитор]
13. 1932 Lawyer Man []
Lawyer Man  (... )  [композитор]
14. 1932 Man Wanted []
Man Wanted  (... )  [композитор]
15. 1932 Match King, The []
Match King, The  (... )  [композитор]
16. 1932 Westward Passage []
Westward Passage  (... )  [композитор]
17. 1932 Голос закона []
Mouthpiece, The  (... )  [композитор]
18. 1932 Женщина из Монте-Карло []
Woman from Monte Carlo, The  (... )  [композитор]
19. 1932 Путешествие в одну сторону []
One Way Passage  (... )  [композитор]
20. 1932 Тигровая акула []
Tiger Shark  (... )  [композитор]
21. 1932 Толпа ревет []
Crowd Roars, The  (... )  [композитор]
22. 1932 Я - беглый каторжник []
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang  (... )  [композитор]
23. 1932 Прощай оружие ../../ctrls/us_big.png
A Farewell to Arms  (... )  [композитор]
24. 1932 Большая паника ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Big Stampede, The  (... )  [композитор]
25. 1932 Доктор Икс ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Doctor X  (... )  [композитор]
26. 1932 Заколдованное золото ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Haunted Gold  (... )  [композитор]
27. 1932 Странная любовь Молли Лувен ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Strange Love of Molly Louvain, The  (... )  [композитор]
28. 1933 Captured! []
Captured!  (... )  [композитор]
29. 1933 Central Airport []
Central Airport  (... )  [композитор]
30. 1933 College Coach []
College Coach  (... )  [композитор]
31. 1933 Employees' Entrance []
Employees' Entrance  (... )  [композитор]
32. 1933 Ever in My Heart []
Ever in My Heart  (... )  [композитор]
33. 1933 From Headquarters []
From Headquarters  (... )  [композитор]
34. 1933 Grand Slam []
Grand Slam  (... )  [композитор]
35. 1933 Heroes for Sale []
Heroes for Sale  (... )  [композитор]
36. 1933 House on 56th Street, The []
House on 56th Street, The  (... )  [композитор]
37. 1933 I Love That Man []
I Love That Man  (... )  [композитор]
38. 1933 I Loved a Woman []
I Loved a Woman  (... )  [композитор]
39. 1933 Kennel Murder Case, The []
Kennel Murder Case, The  (... )  [композитор]
40. 1933 Lady Killer []
Lady Killer  (... )  [композитор]
41. 1933 Mary Stevens, M.D. []
Mary Stevens, M.D.  (... )  [композитор]
42. 1933 Narrow Corner, The []
Narrow Corner, The  (... )  [композитор]
43. 1933 Our Betters []
Our Betters  (... )  [композитор]
44. 1933 Private Detective 62 []
Private Detective 62  (... )  [композитор]
45. 1933 Silk Express, The []
Silk Express, The  (... )  [композитор]
46. 1933 Story of Temple Drake, The []
Story of Temple Drake, The  (... )  [композитор]
47. 1933 Wild Boys of the Road []
Wild Boys of the Road  (... )  [композитор]
48. 1933 Бюро пропавших без вести []
Bureau of Missing Persons  (... )  [композитор]
49. 1933 Вольтер []
Voltaire  (... )  [композитор]
50. 1933 Каникулы короля []
King's Vacation, The  (... )  [композитор]
51. 1933 Мир меняется []
World Changes, The  (... )  [композитор]
52. 1933 Тайна музея восковых фигур []
Mystery of the Wax Museum  (... )  [композитор]
53. 1933 Песнь песней ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Song of Songs, The  (... )  [композитор]
54. 1934 A Very Honorable Guy []
A Very Honorable Guy  (... )  [композитор]
55. 1934 Bedside []
Bedside  (... )  [композитор]
56. 1934 British Agent []
British Agent  (... )  [композитор]
57. 1934 Business Is a Pleasure []
Business Is a Pleasure  (... )  [композитор]
58. 1934 Case of the Howling Dog, The []
Case of the Howling Dog, The  (... )  [композитор]
59. 1934 Dark Hazard []
Dark Hazard  (... )  [композитор]
60. 1934 Dragon Murder Case, The []
Dragon Murder Case, The  (... )  [композитор]
61. 1934 Fog Over Frisco []
Fog Over Frisco  (... )  [композитор]
62. 1934 Gambling Lady []
Gambling Lady  (... )  [композитор]
63. 1934 He Was Her Man []
He Was Her Man  (... )  [композитор]
64. 1934 Hi, Nellie! []
Hi, Nellie!  (... )  [композитор]
65. 1934 I Am a Thief []
I Am a Thief  (... )  [композитор]
66. 1934 I've Got Your Number []
I've Got Your Number  (... )  [композитор]
67. 1934 Man of Two Worlds []
Man of Two Worlds  (... )  [композитор]
68. 1934 Massacre []
Massacre  (... )  [композитор]
69. 1934 Merry Frinks, The []
Merry Frinks, The  (... )  [композитор]
70. 1934 Morocco Nights []
Morocco Nights  (... )  [композитор]
71. 1934 Murder in the Clouds []
Murder in the Clouds  (... )  [композитор]
72. 1934 Murder on the Blackboard []
Murder on the Blackboard  (... )  [композитор]
73. 1934 Personality Kid, The []
Personality Kid, The  (... )  [композитор]
74. 1934 Return of the Terror []
Return of the Terror  (... )  [композитор]
75. 1934 Spitfire []
Spitfire  (... )  [композитор]
76. 1934 St. Louis Kid, The []
St. Louis Kid, The  (... )  [композитор]
77. 1934 Success at Any Price []
Success at Any Price  (... )  [композитор]
78. 1934 Upperworld []
Upperworld  (... )  [композитор]
79. 1934 Джентельмен Джимми []
Jimmy the Gent  (... )  [композитор]
80. 1934 Домохозяйка []
Housewife  (... )  [композитор]
81. 1934 Смерть берёт выходной []
Death Takes a Holiday  (... )  [композитор]
82. 1934 Тайная невеста []
Secret Bride, The  (... )  [композитор]
83. 1934 Человек с двумя лицами []
Man with Two Faces, The  (... )  [композитор]
84. 1934 Болеро ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Bolero  (... )  [композитор]
85. 1935 Dangerous []
Dangerous  (... )  [композитор]
86. 1935 Devil Dogs of the Air []
Devil Dogs of the Air  (... )  [композитор]
87. 1935 Dinky []
Dinky  (... )  [композитор]
88. 1935 Dr. Socrates []
Dr. Socrates  (... )  [композитор]
89. 1935 El cantante de Napoles []
El cantante de Napoles  (... )  [композитор]
90. 1935 Frisco Kid []
Frisco Kid  (... )  [композитор]
91. 1935 Going Highbrow []
Going Highbrow  (... )  [композитор]
92. 1935 Irish in Us, The []
Irish in Us, The  (... )  [композитор]
93. 1935 Living on Velvet []
Living on Velvet  (... )  [композитор]
94. 1935 Oil for the Lamps of China []
Oil for the Lamps of China  (... )  [композитор]
95. 1935 Red Hot Tires []
Red Hot Tires  (... )  [композитор]
96. 1935 Right to Live, The []
Right to Live, The  (... )  [композитор]
97. 1935 Shipmates Forever []
Shipmates Forever  (... )  [композитор]
98. 1935 Special Agent []
Special Agent  (... )  [композитор]
99. 1935 Stranded []
Stranded  (... )  [композитор]
100. 1935 Sweet Music []
Sweet Music  (... )  [композитор]
101. 1935 Traveling Saleslady []
Traveling Saleslady  (... )  [композитор]
102. 1935 We're in the Money []
We're in the Money  (... )  [композитор]
103. 1935 While the Patient Slept []
While the Patient Slept  (... )  [композитор]
104. 1935 White Cockatoo, The []
White Cockatoo, The  (... )  [композитор]
105. 1935 Widow from Monte Carlo, The []
Widow from Monte Carlo, The  (... )  [композитор]
106. 1935 В Кальенте []
In Caliente  (... )  [композитор]
107. 1935 Город на границе []
Bordertown  (... )  [композитор]
108. 1935 Дело о любопытной невесте []
Case of the Curious Bride, The  (... )  [композитор]
109. 1935 Железный человек []
Man of Iron  (... )  [композитор]
110. 1935 Не ставь на блондинок []
Don't Bet on Blondes  (... )  [композитор]
111. 1935 Последняя застава []
Last Outpost, The  (... )  [композитор]
112. 1935 Пускайся в пляс []
Go Into Your Dance  (... )  [композитор]
113. 1935 Флорентийский кинжал []
Florentine Dagger, The  (... )  [композитор]
114. 1935 Черная ярость []
Black Fury  (... )  [композитор]
115. 1935 Джимэны ../../ctrls/us_big.png
G Men  (... )  [композитор]
116. 1935 Женщина в красном ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Woman in Red, The  (... )  [композитор]
117. 1935 Повесть о Луи Пастере ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Story of Louis Pasteur, The  (... )  [композитор]
118. 1936 Case of the Velvet Claws, The []
Case of the Velvet Claws, The  (... )  [композитор]
119. 1936 China Clipper []
China Clipper  (... )  [композитор]
120. 1936 Jailbreak []
Jailbreak  (... )  [композитор]
121. 1936 Man Hunt []
Man Hunt  (... )  [композитор]
122. 1936 Murder of Dr. Harrigan, The []
Murder of Dr. Harrigan, The  (... )  [композитор]
123. 1936 Public Enemy's Wife []
Public Enemy's Wife  (... )  [композитор]
124. 1936 Two Against the World []
Two Against the World  (... )  [композитор]
125. 1936 Кейн и Мейбл []
Cain and Mabel  (... )  [композитор]
126. 1936 Нулевой предел []
Ceiling Zero  (... )  [композитор]
127. 1936 Пулями или голосами []
Bullets or Ballots  (... )  [композитор]
128. 1936 Разгуливая мертвым []
Walking Dead, The  (... )  [композитор]
129. 1936 Сатана встречает леди []
Satan Met a Lady  (... )  [композитор]
130. 1936 Окаменевший лес ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Petrified Forest, The  (... )  [композитор]
131. 1937 Back in Circulation []
Back in Circulation  (... )  [композитор]
132. 1937 Go Getter, The []
Go Getter, The  (... )  [композитор]
133. 1937 Internes Can't Take Money []
Internes Can't Take Money  (... )  [композитор]
134. 1937 Missing Witnesses []
Missing Witnesses  (... )  [композитор]
135. 1937 Mountain Justice []
Mountain Justice  (... )  [композитор]
136. 1937 Высокий, широкоплечий и красивый []
High, Wide, and Handsome  (... )  [композитор]
137. 1937 Загубленные в море []
Souls at Sea  (... )  [композитор]
138. 1937 Меченая женщина ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Marked Woman  (... )  [композитор]
139. 1937 Чёрный легион ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Black Legion  (... )  [композитор]
140. 1938 Patient in Room 18, The []
Patient in Room 18, The  (... )  [композитор]
141. 1938 Невидимая угроза []
Invisible Menace, The  (... )  [композитор]
142. 1939 Blackwell's Island []
Blackwell's Island  (... )  [композитор]
143. 1939 On Trial []
On Trial  (... )  [композитор]
144. 1939 Smashing the Money Ring []
Smashing the Money Ring  (... )  [композитор]
145. 1939 Возвращение доктора X []
Return of Doctor X, The  (... )  [композитор]
146. 1939 Воздушная разведка []
Secret Service of the Air  (... )  [композитор]
147. 1939 Кодекс разведки []
Code of the Secret Service  (... )  [композитор]
148. 1940 British Intelligence []
British Intelligence  (... )  [композитор]
149. 1940 Money and the Woman []
Money and the Woman  (... )  [композитор]
150. 1941 Case of the Black Parrot, The []
Case of the Black Parrot, The  (... )  [композитор]
151. 1941 Shadows on the Stairs []
Shadows on the Stairs  (... )  [композитор]
152. 1941 Smiling Ghost, The []
Smiling Ghost, The  (... )  [композитор]
153. 1941 Пули для О'Хара []
Bullets for O'Hara  (... )  [композитор]
154. 1941 Странное алиби []
Strange Alibi  (... )  [композитор]
155. 1941 Тело исчезает []
Body Disappears, The  (... )  [композитор]
156. 1942 Важная шишка []
Big Shot, The  (... )  [композитор]
157. 1943 Истоки опасности []
Background to Danger  (... )  [композитор]
158. 1948 Studio One []
Studio One  (... )  [композитор]
159. 1948 Студия один []
Studio One in Hollywood  (... )  [композитор]
160. 1954 Fire One []
Fire One  (... )  [композитор]
161. 1955 Vom Himmel gefallen []
Vom Himmel gefallen  (... )  [композитор]
162. 1957 Alle Wege fuhren heim []
Alle Wege fuhren heim  (... )  [композитор]
163. 1959 For Better or Worse []
For Better or Worse  (... )  [композитор]
164. 1960 Full Circle []
Full Circle  (... )  [композитор]
165. 1963 Беглец []
Fugitive, The  (... )  [композитор]

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