Густав фон Зейффертитц  (Gustav von Seyffertitz)
Густав фон Зейффертитц / Gustav von Seyffertitz Густав фон Зейффертитц / Gustav von Seyffertitz Густав фон Зейффертитц / Gustav von Seyffertitz Густав фон Зейффертитц / Gustav von Seyffertitz Густав фон Зейффертитц / Gustav von Seyffertitz
Место рождения:
Хаимхаусен, Бавария, Германия
Дата рождения:
04.08.1863 (лев [кипарис] • чёрный кабан)
Дата смерти:
актёр, режиссёр
Другие имена: G. Butler Clonblough; G. Butler Clonbough; G. Butler Clonebaugh; G. Butler Clonebough; G. v. Seyffertitz; G.V. Seyffertitz; G.v. Seyffertitz; Gustav Von Seyffertitz; George von Seyffertitz; Gustave von Seyffertitz; Густав фон Сайфферти

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1917 Countess Charming, The []
Countess Charming, The  (... Jacob Vandergraft)  [актёр]
2. 1917 Devil-Stone, The []
Devil-Stone, The  (... Stephen Densmore)  [актёр]
3. 1917 Down to Earth []
Down to Earth  (... Dr. Jollyem)  [актёр]
4. 1917 Маленькая принцесса []
Little Princess, The  (... Mr. Carrisford)  [актёр]
5. 1918 Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley []
Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley  (... Surgeon)  [актёр]
6. 1918 Hidden Pearls, The []
Hidden Pearls, The  (... Senator Joseph Benton)  [актёр]
7. 1918 His Majesty, Bunker Bean []
His Majesty, Bunker Bean  (... Professor Balthasar)  [актёр]
8. 1918 Less Than Kin []
Less Than Kin  (... Endicott Lee)  [актёр]
9. 1918 Old Wives for New []
Old Wives for New  (... Melville Bladen)  [актёр]
10. 1918 Rimrock Jones []
Rimrock Jones  (... Stoddard)  [актёр]
11. 1918 Sic 'Em, Sam []
Sic 'Em, Sam  (... )  [актёр]
12. 1918 Source, The []
Source, The  (... Ekstrom)  [актёр]
13. 1918 Stella Maris []
Stella Maris  (... The Surgeon)  [актёр]
14. 1918 Swat the Kaiser []
Swat the Kaiser  (... The Kaiser)  [актёр]
15. 1918 Till I Come Back to You []
Till I Come Back to You  (... Karl Von Drutz)  [актёр]
16. 1918 To Hell with the Kaiser! []
To Hell with the Kaiser!  (... )  [актёр]
17. 1918 Whispering Chorus, The []
Whispering Chorus, The  (... Mocking Face)  [актёр]
18. 1918 Widow's Might, The []
Widow's Might, The  (... Horace Hammer)  [актёр]
19. 1919 Roaring Road, The []
Roaring Road, The  (... Undetermined Role)  [актёр]
20. 1919 Secret Garden, The []
Secret Garden, The  (... )  [режиссёр]
21. 1919 Vengeance of Durand, The []
Vengeance of Durand, The  (... Henri Durand)  [актёр]
22. 1919 Тёмная звезда []
Dark Star, The  (... German Spy)  [актёр]
23. 1920 Dead Men Tell No Tales []
Dead Men Tell No Tales  (... Senor Joaquin)  [актёр]
24. 1920 Even as Eve []
Even as Eve  (... Amasu Munn)  [актёр]
25. 1920 Madonnas and Men []
Madonnas and Men  (... Grimaldo&John Grimm)  [актёр]
26. 1920 Slaves of Pride []
Slaves of Pride  (... John Reynolds)  [актёр]
27. 1920 Sporting Duchess, The []
Sporting Duchess, The  (... Major Roland Mostyn)  [актёр]
28. 1921 Closed Doors []
Closed Doors  (... )  [режиссёр]
29. 1921 Peggy Puts It Over []
Peggy Puts It Over  (... )  [режиссёр]
30. 1921 Princess Jones []
Princess Jones  (... )  [режиссёр]
31. 1922 Face in the Fog, The []
Face in the Fog, The  (... Michael)  [актёр]
32. 1922 Inner Man, The []
Inner Man, The  (... Jud Benson)  [актёр]
33. 1922 When Knighthood Was in Flower []
When Knighthood Was in Flower  (... Grammont)  [актёр]
34. 1922 Шерлок Холмс ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Sherlock Holmes  (... Prof. Moriarty)  [актёр]
35. 1923 Mark of the Beast []
Mark of the Beast  (... John Hunter)  [актёр]
36. 1923 Under the Red Robe []
Under the Red Robe  (... Clom)  [актёр]
37. 1923 Unseeing Eyes []
Unseeing Eyes  (... Father Paquette)  [актёр]
38. 1924 Bandolero, The []
Bandolero, The  (... Marques de Bazan)  [актёр]
39. 1924 Lone Wolf, The []
Lone Wolf, The  (... Wetheimer)  [актёр]
40. 1924 Yolanda []
Yolanda  (... Oliver de Daim)  [актёр]
41. 1925 A Regular Fellow []
A Regular Fellow  (... Prime Minister)  [актёр]
42. 1925 Flower of Night []
Flower of Night  (... Vigilante Leader)  [актёр]
43. 1925 Goose Woman, The []
Goose Woman, The  (... Mr. Vogel)  [актёр]
44. 1925 Grounds for Divorce []
Grounds for Divorce  (... Labell)  [актёр]
45. 1925 Орел []
Eagle, The  (... Court Servant at Dinner)  [актёр]
46. 1926 Bells, The []
Bells, The  (... Jerome Frantz)  [актёр]
47. 1926 Danger Girl, The []
Danger Girl, The  (... James)  [актёр]
48. 1926 Dice Woman, The []
Dice Woman, The  (... Datto of Mandat)  [актёр]
49. 1926 Diplomacy []
Diplomacy  (... Baron Ballin)  [актёр]
50. 1926 Going Crooked []
Going Crooked  (... Mordaunt)  [актёр]
51. 1926 Lone Wolf Returns, The []
Lone Wolf Returns, The  (... Morphew)  [актёр]
52. 1926 My Official Wife []
My Official Wife  (... Grand Duke)  [актёр]
53. 1926 Private Izzy Murphy []
Private Izzy Murphy  (... Cohannigan)  [актёр]
54. 1926 Red Dice []
Red Dice  (... Andrew North)  [актёр]
55. 1926 Sparrows []
Sparrows  (... Mr. Grimes)  [актёр]
56. 1926 Unknown Treasures []
Unknown Treasures  (... Simmons)  [актёр]
57. 1926 Дон Жуан []
Don Juan  (... Neri - the Alchemist)  [актёр]
58. 1927 Birds of Prey []
Birds of Prey  (... Foxy)  [актёр]
59. 1927 Gaucho, The []
Gaucho, The  (... Ruiz, The Usurper)  [актёр]
60. 1927 Price of Honor, The []
Price of Honor, The  (... Peter Fielding)  [актёр]
61. 1927 Rose of the Golden West []
Rose of the Golden West  (... Gomez)  [актёр]
62. 1927 Wizard, The []
Wizard, The  (... Prof. Paul Coriolos)  [актёр]
63. 1927 Волшебное пламя []
Magic Flame, The  (... The Chancellor)  [актёр]
64. 1927 Колючая проволока []
Barbed Wire  (... Pierre Corlet)  [актёр]
65. 1927 Принц-студент в Старом Гейдельберге []
Student Prince in Old Heidelberg, The  (... King Karl VII)  [актёр]
66. 1927 Всё может быть ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Anything Once!  (... Chancellor Gherkin)  [актёр]
67. 1928 Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The []
Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The  (... Nathan Cherry)  [актёр]
68. 1928 Me, Gangster []
Me, Gangster  (... Factory owner)  [актёр]
69. 1928 Red Mark, The []
Red Mark, The  (... De Nou)  [актёр]
70. 1928 Vamping Venus []
Vamping Venus  (... Jupiter)  [актёр]
71. 1928 Woman Disputed, The []
Woman Disputed, The  (... Otto Krueger)  [актёр]
72. 1928 Yellow Lily []
Yellow Lily  (... Kinkelin)  [актёр]
73. 1928 Пристани Нью-Йорка []
Docks of New York, The  (... Hymn Book Harry)  [актёр]
74. 1928 Таинственная дама ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mysterious Lady, The  (... Gen. Boris Alexandroff)  [актёр]
75. 1929 Case of Lena Smith, The []
Case of Lena Smith, The  (... Herr Hofrat)  [актёр]
76. 1929 Chasing Through Europe []
Chasing Through Europe  (... Phineas Merrill)  [актёр]
77. 1929 Come Across []
Come Across  (... Pop Hanson)  [актёр]
78. 1929 His Glorious Night []
His Glorious Night  (... Krehl)  [актёр]
79. 1929 Seven Faces []
Seven Faces  (... M. Pratouchy)  [актёр]
80. 1929 Дело об убийстве канарейки []
Canary Murder Case, The  (... Dr. Ambrose Lindquist)  [актёр]
81. 1930 Are You There? []
Are You There?  (... Barber)  [актёр]
82. 1930 Bat Whispers, The []
Bat Whispers, The  (... Dr. Venrees)  [актёр]
83. 1930 Dangerous Paradise []
Dangerous Paradise  (... Mr. Jones)  [актёр]
84. 1930 Случай с сержантом Гришей []
Case of Sergeant Grischa, The  (... Gen. Schieffenzahn)  [актёр]
85. 1931 Ambassador Bill []
Ambassador Bill  (... Prince de Polikoff)  [актёр]
86. 1931 Safe in Hell []
Safe in Hell  (... Larson)  [актёр]
87. 1931 Первая полоса []
Front Page, The  (... Professor Max J. Engelhoffer)  [актёр]
88. 1931 Обесчещенная или агент X-27 ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Dishonored  (... Austrian Secret Service Chief)  [актёр]
89. 1932 Afraid to Talk []
Afraid to Talk  (... Attorney Harry Berger)  [актёр]
90. 1932 Almost Married []
Almost Married  (... )  [актёр]
91. 1932 Doomed Battalion []
Doomed Battalion  (... Austrian General)  [актёр]
92. 1932 Penguin Pool Murder []
Penguin Pool Murder  (... Von Donnen&Dr. Max Bloom)  [актёр]
93. 1932 Roadhouse Murder, The []
Roadhouse Murder, The  (... Caretaker)  [актёр]
94. 1932 Шанхайский экспресс ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Shanghai Express  (... Eric Baum)  [актёр]
95. 1932 Распутин и императрица ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Rasputin and the Empress  (... Dr. Franz Wolfe)  [актёр]
96. 1933 Captured! []
Captured!  (... German Military Judge)  [актёр]
97. 1933 Silver Cord, The []
Silver Cord, The  (... German Doctor)  [актёр]
98. 1933 When Strangers Marry []
When Strangers Marry  (... Van Wyck)  [актёр]
99. 1933 Королева Кристина ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Queen Christina  (... General)  [актёр]
100. 1934 All Men Are Enemies []
All Men Are Enemies  (... Baron)  [актёр]
101. 1934 Change of Heart []
Change of Heart  (... Dr. Nathan Kurtzman)  [актёр]
102. 1934 Moonstone, The []
Moonstone, The  (... Carl Von Lucker)  [актёр]
103. 1934 Murder on the Blackboard []
Murder on the Blackboard  (... Dr. Max Von Immen)  [актёр]
104. 1934 Mystery Liner []
Mystery Liner  (... Inspector Von Kessling)  [актёр]
105. 1934 Маленькие мужчины []
Little Men  (... Schoolmaster Page)  [актёр]
106. 1935 Night Is Young, The []
Night Is Young, The  (... Ambassador)  [актёр]
107. 1935 Remember Last Night? []
Remember Last Night?  (... Professor Karl Herman Eckhart Jones)  [актёр]
108. 1935 Она []
She  (... Prime Minister Billali)  [актёр]
109. 1936 Mad Holiday []
Mad Holiday  (... Hendrick Van Mier)  [актёр]
110. 1936 Murder on a Bridle Path []
Murder on a Bridle Path  (... Doctor Bloom, Police Dept.)  [актёр]
111. 1936 Мистер Дидс переезжает в город ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town  (... Dr. Emile Von Hallor)  [актёр]
112. 1937 В старом Чикаго ../../ctrls/us_big.png
In Old Chicago  (... Man in Jack's Office)  [актёр]
113. 1938 Cipher Bureau []
Cipher Bureau  (... Albert Grood)  [актёр]
114. 1938 Король Алькатраса []
King of Alcatraz  (... Bill Lustig)  [актёр]
115. 1938 Мария-Антуанетта ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Marie Antoinette  (... King's Confessor)  [актёр]
116. 1938 Рай для троих ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Paradise for Three  (... Lawyer)  [актёр]
117. 1938 Швейцарская мисс ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Swiss Miss  (... Gardener)  [актёр]
118. 1939 Hotel Imperial []
Hotel Imperial  (... Priest)  [актёр]
119. 1939 Mad Empress, The []
Mad Empress, The  (... Metternick)  [актёр]
120. 1939 Never Say Die []
Never Say Die  (... Chemist)  [актёр]
121. 1939 Медсестра Эдит Кевелл []
Nurse Edith Cavell  (... President of Trial Court)  [актёр]
122. 1939 Сын Франкенштейна ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Son of Frankenstein  (... Burgher)  [актёр]

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