Гарри Вудс  (Harry Woods)
Гарри Вудс / Harry Woods Гарри Вудс / Harry Woods Гарри Вудс / Harry Woods Гарри Вудс / Harry Woods Гарри Вудс / Harry Woods
Место рождения:
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Дата рождения:
05.05.1889 (телец [жасмин] • жёлтый бык)
Дата смерти:
Другие имена: Harry Wood; H. L. Woods; H.L. Woods; Harry L. Woods; Harry Lewis Wood

  Фильмография:  IMDB
1. 1923 Don Quickshot of the Rio Grande []
Don Quickshot of the Rio Grande  (... A Knight)  [актёр]
2. 1923 Steel Trail, The []
Steel Trail, The  (... Morris Blake)  [актёр]
3. 1924 A Cafe in Cairo []
A Cafe in Cairo  (... Kali)  [актёр]
4. 1924 Battlin' Buckaroo []
Battlin' Buckaroo  (... )  [актёр]
5. 1924 College Cowboy, The []
College Cowboy, The  (... )  [актёр]
6. 1924 Fast Express, The []
Fast Express, The  (... Tom Boyd)  [актёр]
7. 1924 Ten Scars Make a Man []
Ten Scars Make a Man  (... Buck Simpson)  [актёр]
8. 1924 Wolves of the North []
Wolves of the North  (... Bob Hunter)  [актёр]
9. 1924 Динамит Дэн []
Dynamite Dan  (... Brute Lacy)  [актёр]
10. 1925 Bandit's Baby, The []
Bandit's Baby, The  (... Matt Hartigan)  [актёр]
11. 1925 Fighting Courage []
Fighting Courage  (... )  [актёр]
12. 1925 Flying Fool, The []
Flying Fool, The  (... )  [актёр]
13. 1926 30 Below Zero []
30 Below Zero  (... Cavender)  [актёр]
14. 1926 A Man Four-Square []
A Man Four-Square  (... Ben Taylor)  [актёр]
15. 1926 A Regular Scout []
A Regular Scout  (... Scar Stevens)  [актёр]
16. 1926 A Trip to Chinatown []
A Trip to Chinatown  (... Norman Blood)  [актёр]
17. 1927 Cyclone of the Range []
Cyclone of the Range  (... The Black Rider&Don Alvarado)  [актёр]
18. 1927 Hello Lafayette []
Hello Lafayette  (... )  [актёр]
19. 1927 Jesse James []
Jesse James  (... Bob Ford)  [актёр]
20. 1927 Silver Comes Through []
Silver Comes Through  (... Stanton)  [актёр]
21. 1927 Splitting the Breeze []
Splitting the Breeze  (... Dave Matlock)  [актёр]
22. 1927 Tom's Gang []
Tom's Gang  (... Bart Haywood)  [актёр]
23. 1928 Candy Kid, The []
Candy Kid, The  (... )  [актёр]
24. 1928 Red Riders of Canada []
Red Riders of Canada  (... Monsieur Le Busard)  [актёр]
25. 1928 Sunset Legion, The []
Sunset Legion, The  (... Honest John)  [актёр]
26. 1928 Tyrant of Red Gulch []
Tyrant of Red Gulch  (... Ivan Petrovitch)  [актёр]
27. 1928 Viking, The []
Viking, The  (... Egil the Black)  [актёр]
28. 1928 When the Law Rides []
When the Law Rides  (... The Raven)  [актёр]
29. 1929 'Neath Western Skies []
'Neath Western Skies  (... Jim Canfield)  [актёр]
30. 1929 China Bound []
China Bound  (... Officer)  [актёр]
31. 1929 Desert Rider, The []
Desert Rider, The  (... Williams)  [актёр]
32. 1929 Faro Nell []
Faro Nell  (... The Stranger)  [актёр]
33. 1929 Gun Law []
Gun Law  (... Bull Driscoll)  [актёр]
34. 1929 He Did His Best []
He Did His Best  (... )  [актёр]
35. 1929 Phantom Rider, The []
Phantom Rider, The  (... Calhound Hardy)  [актёр]
36. 1930 Camera Shy []
Camera Shy  (... Captain Farwell in Story)  [актёр]
37. 1930 Lone Rider, The []
Lone Rider, The  (... Ed Farrell)  [актёр]
38. 1930 Men Without Law []
Men Without Law  (... Murdock)  [актёр]
39. 1930 Pardon My Gun []
Pardon My Gun  (... Cooper)  [актёр]
40. 1930 Ranch House Blues []
Ranch House Blues  (... )  [актёр]
41. 1931 In Old Cheyenne []
In Old Cheyenne  (... Clyde Winslow)  [актёр]
42. 1931 Range Feud []
Range Feud  (... Vandall)  [актёр]
43. 1931 West of Cheyenne []
West of Cheyenne  (... Kurt Raymer, aka The Laramie Kid)  [актёр]
44. 1931 Техасский рейнджер []
Texas Ranger, The  (... Matt Taylor)  [актёр]
45. 1931 Цветущие дни []
Palmy Days  (... Yolando's Henchman)  [актёр]
46. 1931 Я люблю ваши нервы []
I Like Your Nerve  (... Cellano - Assassin)  [актёр]
47. 1931 Обезьяний бизнес ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Monkey Business  (... Alky Briggs)  [актёр]
48. 1932 Hot Spot []
Hot Spot  (... )  [актёр]
49. 1932 Radio Patrol []
Radio Patrol  (... Kloskey)  [актёр]
50. 1932 Texas Gun Fighter []
Texas Gun Fighter  (... Kells)  [актёр]
51. 1932 Две секунды []
Two Seconds  (... Executioner)  [актёр]
52. 1932 Закон и порядок []
Law and Order  (... Walt Northrup)  [актёр]
53. 1932 Ночной мир []
Night World  (... Gang Leader)  [актёр]
54. 1932 Я беглец банды ../../ctrls/us_big.png
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang  (... Prison Guard)  [актёр]
55. 1932 Заколдованное золото ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Haunted Gold  (... Joe Ryan)  [актёр]
56. 1933 'Tis Spring []
'Tis Spring  (... )  [актёр]
57. 1933 From Headquarters []
From Headquarters  (... Mullins - Police Guard)  [актёр]
58. 1933 My Weakness []
My Weakness  (... Gordoni)  [актёр]
59. 1933 Shadows of Sing Sing []
Shadows of Sing Sing  (... Al Rossi)  [актёр]
60. 1933 Боксер и Леди []
Prizefighter and the Lady, The  (... George Lyons)  [актёр]
61. 1933 Мир меняется []
World Changes, The  (... Sam)  [актёр]
62. 1933 Шумиха []
Hoop-La  (... Side Show Troublemaker)  [актёр]
63. 1934 Circus Clown, The []
Circus Clown, The  (... Ajax)  [актёр]
64. 1934 Crosby Case, The []
Crosby Case, The  (... Det. Logan)  [актёр]
65. 1934 Devil Tiger, The []
Devil Tiger, The  (... Ramseye Doyle)  [актёр]
66. 1934 I Believed in You []
I Believed in You  (... State Trooper)  [актёр]
67. 1934 Journal of a Crime []
Journal of a Crime  (... Detective with Inspector)  [актёр]
68. 1934 President Vanishes, The []
President Vanishes, The  (... Kramer)  [актёр]
69. 1934 School for Girls []
School for Girls  (... Detective)  [актёр]
70. 1934 St. Louis Kid, The []
St. Louis Kid, The  (... Louie Munn)  [актёр]
71. 1934 Ten Baby Fingers []
Ten Baby Fingers  (... )  [актёр]
72. 1934 Бар удивлений []
Wonder Bar  (... First Detective)  [актёр]
73. 1934 Караван []
Caravan  (... Romeo)  [актёр]
74. 1934 Кровавая императрица ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Scarlet Empress, The  (... Doctor #1)  [актёр]
75. 1934 Первая красавица XIX века ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Belle of the Nineties  (... Slade)  [актёр]
76. 1935 Adventures of Rex and Rinty, The []
Adventures of Rex and Rinty, The  (... Crawford)  [актёр]
77. 1935 Call of the Savage, The []
Call of the Savage, The  (... Borno)  [актёр]
78. 1935 Gallant Defender []
Gallant Defender  (... Barr Munro)  [актёр]
79. 1935 Heir to Trouble []
Heir to Trouble  (... 'Honest' John Motley)  [актёр]
80. 1935 Lawless Riders []
Lawless Riders  (... Big Bart Gromswald)  [актёр]
81. 1935 Let 'em Have It []
Let 'em Have It  (... Big Bill)  [актёр]
82. 1935 Remember Last Nightae []
Remember Last Nightae  (... Station Agent)  [актёр]
83. 1935 Rustlers of Red Dog, The []
Rustlers of Red Dog, The  (... 'Rocky')  [актёр]
84. 1935 Ship Cafe []
Ship Cafe  (... Donovan)  [актёр]
85. 1935 Silk Hat Kid []
Silk Hat Kid  (... Salesman)  [актёр]
86. 1935 Stormy []
Stormy  (... Mack, Red Wing's Owner)  [актёр]
87. 1935 When a Man's a Man []
When a Man's a Man  (... Nick Gambert)  [актёр]
88. 1935 Ад Данте []
Dante's Inferno  (... Second Officer Reynolds)  [актёр]
89. 1935 Зов предков []
Call of the Wild, The  (... Soapy Smith)  [актёр]
90. 1936 Conflict []
Conflict  (... 'Ruffhouse' Kelly)  [актёр]
91. 1936 Heroes of the Range []
Heroes of the Range  (... 'Bull' Lampton)  [актёр]
92. 1936 Human Cargo []
Human Cargo  (... Ira Conklin)  [актёр]
93. 1936 It Had to Happen []
It Had to Happen  (... Workman)  [актёр]
94. 1936 Last Outlaw, The []
Last Outlaw, The  (... Traffic Policeman)  [актёр]
95. 1936 Lawless Nineties, The []
Lawless Nineties, The  (... Charles K. Plummer)  [актёр]
96. 1936 Phantom Rider, The []
Phantom Rider, The  (... Harvey Delaney)  [актёр]
97. 1936 Robin Hood of El Dorado []
Robin Hood of El Dorado  (... Pete)  [актёр]
98. 1936 Rose of the Rancho []
Rose of the Rancho  (... Bull Bangle)  [актёр]
99. 1936 Silly Billies []
Silly Billies  (... Hank Bewley)  [актёр]
100. 1936 Ticket to Paradise []
Ticket to Paradise  (... John Dawson)  [актёр]
101. 1936 Unknown Ranger, The []
Unknown Ranger, The  (... Van)  [актёр]
102. 1936 Человек с равнины ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Plainsman, The  (... Quartermaster Sergeant)  [актёр]
103. 1937 Border Cafe []
Border Cafe  (... Ranger Bert)  [актёр]
104. 1937 Courage of the West []
Courage of the West  (... Al Wilkins, aka Jed Newman)  [актёр]
105. 1937 Criminal Lawyer []
Criminal Lawyer  (... Police Inspector Burke)  [актёр]
106. 1937 Emperor's Candlesticks, The []
Emperor's Candlesticks, The  (... Captain Demisoff)  [актёр]
107. 1937 I Promise to Pay []
I Promise to Pay  (... Henchman Fats)  [актёр]
108. 1937 Land Beyond the Law []
Land Beyond the Law  (... Tascosa, Slade's Henchman)  [актёр]
109. 1937 Outcast []
Outcast  (... Grant - Head Lyncher)  [актёр]
110. 1937 Range Defenders []
Range Defenders  (... John Harvey)  [актёр]
111. 1937 Reckless Ranger []
Reckless Ranger  (... Bill Barlowe)  [актёр]
112. 1937 Singing Marine, The []
Singing Marine, The  (... First Marine MP Sergeant)  [актёр]
113. 1937 Singing Outlaw, The []
Singing Outlaw, The  (... Leonard 'Cueball' Qualey)  [актёр]
114. 1937 Большой город []
Big City  (... Det. Miller)  [актёр]
115. 1937 Последний поезд из Мадрида []
Last Train from Madrid, The  (... Government Man)  [актёр]
116. 1937 Уэллс Фарго []
Wells Fargo  (... Timekeeper)  [актёр]
117. 1937 Фабрика грез []
Stand-In  (... Studio Employee)  [актёр]
118. 1937 Чистокровки не плачут []
Thoroughbreds Don't Cry  (... Racetrack Guard)  [актёр]
119. 1937 Али-баба отправляется в город ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Ali Baba Goes to Town  (... Officer)  [актёр]
120. 1938 Come On, Rangers []
Come On, Rangers  (... Morgan Burke)  [актёр]
121. 1938 Crime Takes a Holiday []
Crime Takes a Holiday  (... Stoddard)  [актёр]
122. 1938 Hawaiian Buckaroo []
Hawaiian Buckaroo  (... J. P. M'Tigue)  [актёр]
123. 1938 In Early Arizona []
In Early Arizona  (... Bull)  [актёр]
124. 1938 Men with Wings []
Men with Wings  (... Baker)  [актёр]
125. 1938 Panamint's Bad Man []
Panamint's Bad Man  (... Craven)  [актёр]
126. 1938 Rolling Caravans []
Rolling Caravans  (... Thad Dalton)  [актёр]
127. 1938 Spy Ring, The []
Spy Ring, The  (... Capt. Holden)  [актёр]
128. 1938 Stagecoach Days []
Stagecoach Days  (... Moose Ringo)  [актёр]
129. 1938 Strange Case of Dr. Meade []
Strange Case of Dr. Meade  (... Harper)  [актёр]
130. 1938 Texans, The []
Texans, The  (... Cavalry Officer)  [актёр]
131. 1938 Наслаждайтесь жизнью []
Joy of Living  (... Cop)  [актёр]
132. 1938 Флибустьер []
Buccaneer, The  (... American Sergeant)  [актёр]
133. 1938 Сними звезду ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Block-Heads  (... Belligerent Neighbor)  [актёр]
134. 1939 Arizona Wildcat, The []
Arizona Wildcat, The  (... Ross Harper)  [актёр]
135. 1939 Blue Montana Skies []
Blue Montana Skies  (... Hendricks)  [актёр]
136. 1939 Frontier Marshal []
Frontier Marshal  (... Curly Bill's Henchman)  [актёр]
137. 1939 In Old Caliente []
In Old Caliente  (... 'Curly' Calkins)  [актёр]
138. 1939 Дни Джесси Джеймса []
Days of Jesse James  (... Captain Worthington)  [актёр]
139. 1939 Красавчик Жест []
Beau Geste  (... Legionnaire Renoir)  [актёр]
140. 1939 Мистер Мото на опасном острове []
Mr. Moto in Danger Island  (... Grant - Pirate Henchman)  [актёр]
141. 1939 Человек в железной маске []
Man in the Iron Mask, The  (... First Officer)  [актёр]
142. 1939 Юнион Пасифик ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Union Pacific  (... Al Brett)  [актёр]
143. 1940 Boss of Bullion City []
Boss of Bullion City  (... Sheriff Jeff Salters)  [актёр]
144. 1940 Bullet Code []
Bullet Code  (... Cass Barton)  [актёр]
145. 1940 Isle of Destiny []
Isle of Destiny  (... Capt. Lawson)  [актёр]
146. 1940 Meet the Missus []
Meet the Missus  (... Elmer Shillingford)  [актёр]
147. 1940 Ranger and the Lady, The []
Ranger and the Lady, The  (... Kincaid)  [актёр]
148. 1940 South of Pago Pago []
South of Pago Pago  (... Black Mike Rafferty)  [актёр]
149. 1940 Triple Justice []
Triple Justice  (... Deputy Al Reeves)  [актёр]
150. 1940 West of Carson City []
West of Carson City  (... Mack Gorman)  [актёр]
151. 1940 Winners of the West []
Winners of the West  (... King Carter)  [актёр]
152. 1940 Дом о семи фронтонах []
House of the Seven Gables, The  (... Mr. Wainwright)  [актёр]
153. 1940 Долгий путь домой ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Long Voyage Home, The  (... Amindra First Mate)  [актёр]
154. 1940 Чёрная команда ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Dark Command  (... Man in Fight with Seton)  [актёр]
155. 1941 A Crime Does Not Pay Subject: "Forbidden Passage" []
A Crime Does Not Pay Subject: "Forbidden Passage"  (... Tugboat Captain)  [актёр]
156. 1941 Lady from Cheyenne, The []
Lady from Cheyenne, The  (... Assessor Mitch Harrigan)  [актёр]
157. 1941 Last of the Duanes []
Last of the Duanes  (... Sheriff Red Morgan)  [актёр]
158. 1941 Petticoat Politics []
Petticoat Politics  (... Guy Markwell)  [актёр]
159. 1941 Sheriff of Tombstone []
Sheriff of Tombstone  (... Shotgun Cassidy)  [актёр]
160. 1942 Dawn on the Great Divide []
Dawn on the Great Divide  (... Jim Corkle the Judge's Brother)  [актёр]
161. 1942 Deep in the Heart of Texas []
Deep in the Heart of Texas  (... Sergeant Idaho)  [актёр]
162. 1942 Down Texas Way []
Down Texas Way  (... Bert Logan)  [актёр]
163. 1942 Forest Rangers, The []
Forest Rangers, The  (... Lumberman)  [актёр]
164. 1942 Jackass Mail []
Jackass Mail  (... Ranch Owner to Hang Baggot)  [актёр]
165. 1942 Riders of the West []
Riders of the West  (... Duke Mason)  [актёр]
166. 1942 Romance on the Range []
Romance on the Range  (... Henchman Steve)  [актёр]
167. 1942 Today I Hang []
Today I Hang  (... Henry Courtney)  [актёр]
168. 1942 West of the Law []
West of the Law  (... Jim Rand)  [актёр]
169. 1942 Wild Bill Hickok Rides []
Wild Bill Hickok Rides  (... Bixby, First Train Robber)  [актёр]
170. 1942 Дорога в Марокко ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Road to Morocco  (... Man)  [актёр]
171. 1942 Негодяи ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Spoilers, The  (... Disgruntled Miner)  [актёр]
172. 1942 Пожнёшь бурю ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Reap the Wild Wind  (... Mace, Cutler Henchman)  [актёр]
173. 1943 Beyond the Last Frontier []
Beyond the Last Frontier  (... Big Bill Hadley)  [актёр]
174. 1943 Bordertown Gun Fighters []
Bordertown Gun Fighters  (... Dave Strickland)  [актёр]
175. 1943 Cheyenne Roundup []
Cheyenne Roundup  (... Blackie Dawson)  [актёр]
176. 1943 In Old Oklahoma []
In Old Oklahoma  (... Al Dalton)  [актёр]
177. 1943 Masked Marvel, The []
Masked Marvel, The  (... Lab Thug [Ch. 7])  [актёр]
178. 1943 Outlaws of Stampede Pass []
Outlaws of Stampede Pass  (... Ben Crowley)  [актёр]
179. 1943 Призрачный всадник []
Ghost Rider, The  (... Lash Edwards)  [актёр]
180. 1943 Шерлок Холмс и секретное оружие ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon  (... Kurt)  [актёр]
181. 1944 Call of the Rockies []
Call of the Rockies  (... J. B. Murdock)  [актёр]
182. 1944 Gun to Gun []
Gun to Gun  (... Harkness)  [актёр]
183. 1944 Marshal of Gunsmoke []
Marshal of Gunsmoke  (... Lon Curtiss)  [актёр]
184. 1944 Nevada []
Nevada  (... Joe Powell)  [актёр]
185. 1944 Silver City Kid []
Silver City Kid  (... Judge Sam H. Ballard)  [актёр]
186. 1944 Slightly Terrific []
Slightly Terrific  (... Gypsy King)  [актёр]
187. 1944 Westward Bound []
Westward Bound  (... Roger Caldwell)  [актёр]
188. 1944 Али Баба и 40 разбойников []
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves  (... Mongol Guard)  [актёр]
189. 1944 Приключения Марка Твена []
Adventures of Mark Twain, The  (... Bixby's Depth Caller)  [актёр]
190. 1944 Самозванец []
Impostor, The  (... Guard)  [актёр]
191. 1944 В седле ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Tall in the Saddle  (... George Clews)  [актёр]
192. 1944 Не могу не петь ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Can't Help Singing  (... Gunman Who Doesn't Like Prying)  [актёр]
193. 1945 Flame of the West []
Flame of the West  (... Wilson)  [актёр]
194. 1945 Radio Stars on Parade []
Radio Stars on Parade  (... Rudy Campbell)  [актёр]
195. 1945 Wanderer of the Wasteland []
Wanderer of the Wasteland  (... Guerd Eliott)  [актёр]
196. 1945 West of the Pecos []
West of the Pecos  (... Brad Sawtelle)  [актёр]
197. 1946 South of Monterey []
South of Monterey  (... Bennet)  [актёр]
198. 1946 Sunset Pass []
Sunset Pass  (... Cinnabar)  [актёр]
199. 1946 Trouble or Nothing []
Trouble or Nothing  (... )  [актёр]
200. 1946 Моя дорогая Клементина ../../ctrls/us_big.png
My Darling Clementine  (... Luke)  [актёр]
201. 1947 Code of the West []
Code of the West  (... Marshal Nate Hatfield)  [актёр]
202. 1947 Fabulous Texan, The []
Fabulous Texan, The  (... State Policeman)  [актёр]
203. 1947 Thunder Mountain []
Thunder Mountain  (... Trimble Carson)  [актёр]
204. 1947 Trail Street []
Trail Street  (... Lance Larkin)  [актёр]
205. 1947 Wild Horse Mesa []
Wild Horse Mesa  (... Jay Olmstead)  [актёр]
206. 1947 Вайоминг []
Wyoming  (... Ben Jackson)  [актёр]
207. 1947 Возжелай меня []
Desire Me  (... Joseph)  [актёр]
208. 1947 Тайная жизнь Уолтера Митти []
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The  (... Wrong Mr. Follinsbee)  [актёр]
209. 1947 Черное золото []
Black Gold  (... Smuggler)  [актёр]
210. 1947 Дорога в Рио ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Road to Rio  (... Ship's Purser)  [актёр]
211. 1947 Магнат ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Tycoon  (... Holden)  [актёр]
212. 1948 A Southern Yankee []
A Southern Yankee  (... Dentist)  [актёр]
213. 1948 Gallant Legion, The []
Gallant Legion, The  (... Henchman Lang)  [актёр]
214. 1948 Indian Agent []
Indian Agent  (... Carter)  [актёр]
215. 1948 One Sunday Afternoon []
One Sunday Afternoon  (... Matt Hughes, Policeman)  [актёр]
216. 1948 Western Heritage []
Western Heritage  (... Arnold, fake Joe Powell)  [актёр]
217. 1948 Серебряная река []
Silver River  (... Riverboat Poker Player)  [актёр]
218. 1948 Дон Жуан ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Adventures of Don Juan  (... Guard)  [актёр]
219. 1949 Hellfire []
Hellfire  (... Lew Stoner)  [актёр]
220. 1949 Masked Raiders []
Masked Raiders  (... Marshal Barlow)  [актёр]
221. 1949 South of St. Louis []
South of St. Louis  (... Recruiting Sergeant)  [актёр]
222. 1949 Она носила жёлтую ленту ../../ctrls/us_big.png
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon  (... Licensed Suttler Karl Rynders)  [актёр]
223. 1949 Источник ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Fountainhead, The  (... Quarry Superintendent)  [актёр]
224. 1949 Территория Колорадо ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Colorado Territory  (... Pluthner)  [актёр]
225. 1949 Самсон и Далила ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Samson and Delilah  (... Gammad)  [актёр]
226. 1950 Backfire []
Backfire  (... Dick Manning - Man from Detroit)  [актёр]
227. 1950 Short Grass []
Short Grass  (... Sam Dreen)  [актёр]
228. 1950 Давайте потанцуем []
Let's Dance  (... Police Lieutenant)  [актёр]
229. 1950 Путешествующая продавщица []
Traveling Saleswoman, The  (... Soap Factory Mechanic)  [актёр]
230. 1951 Best of the Badmen []
Best of the Badmen  (... Cherokee Springs Trading Post Proprietor)  [актёр]
231. 1951 Law of the Badlands []
Law of the Badlands  (... Burt Conroy)  [актёр]
232. 1952 Living Bible, The []
Living Bible, The  (... )  [актёр]
233. 1952 Ride the Man Down []
Ride the Man Down  (... Henchman)  [актёр]
234. 1952 Одинокая звезда []
Lone Star  (... George Dellman)  [актёр]
235. 1952 Пресловутое ранчо ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Rancho Notorious  (... Marshal McDonald)  [актёр]
236. 1953 Adventures of Kit Carson, The []
Adventures of Kit Carson, The  (... Crandall & Sheriff Morgan)  [актёр]
237. 1953 Lone Ranger, The []
Lone Ranger, The  (... Jim Benson)  [актёр]
238. 1953 Ramar of the Jungle []
Ramar of the Jungle  (... Wilkins & Maxwell Garner)  [актёр]
239. 1954 Hell's Outpost []
Hell's Outpost  (... Deputy Lud)  [актёр]
240. 1954 Stories of the Century []
Stories of the Century  (... Jim Stanton & Marshal Deane)  [актёр]
241. 1955 Дымок из ствола []
Gunsmoke  (... Ben & Snyder)  [актёр]
242. 1955 Последняя команда []
Last Command, The  (... Irate Texan in Cantina)  [актёр]
243. 1956 Buffalo Bill, Jr. []
Buffalo Bill, Jr.  (... Cherokee Charlie Kerns)  [актёр]
244. 1956 Десять заповедей ../../ctrls/us_big.png
Ten Commandments, The  (... Officer)  [актёр]
245. 1957 Broken Arrow []
Broken Arrow  (... Ben)  [актёр]
246. 1957 Restless Breed, The []
Restless Breed, The  (... Frank Baker)  [актёр]
247. 1958 Bat Masterson []
Bat Masterson  (... Dr. R. W. Fleming & Morgan)  [актёр]
248. 1958 New Orleans After Dark []
New Orleans After Dark  (... Carl)  [актёр]
249. 1958 Пастух []
Sheepman, The  (... Cattle Rancher in Restaurant)  [актёр]
250. 1959 Frontier Doctor []
Frontier Doctor  (... Hugh Paterson)  [актёр]
251. 1959 Sea Hunt []
Sea Hunt  (... Gustav)  [актёр]
252. 1959 Tombstone Territory []
Tombstone Territory  (... Doc Cunningham)  [актёр]
253. 1961 Lawman []
Lawman  (... Charley Hames)  [актёр]

в библиотеку
Селена Центр Дракон
