Китай Китай

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Кол-во страниц: 450
4 Gb, 600 dpi
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1,2 кг

4 гр.
Торговый код:
SGR2846-12k SGR2846-12f


Due to popular demand and the growth seen in the Chinese philatelic market Stanley Gibbons have published an updated 2012 edition of their comprehensive China stamp catalogue.

The catalogue contains detailed and up to date listings of all current stamp issuing countries (China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) as well as many other areas of interest including Japanese Occupation of China, Kiachow, Kwangchow, Manchukuo and Tibet. Prices have been thoroughly revised throughout by leading experts in the field.

The Stanley Gibbons China Catalogue is the only catalogue published in English which covers all the stamp issues of China in a single volume. It is a detailed and highly informative catalogue, ideal for any collector who specializes in the stamps of this area.

Information is provided at the beginning of each country covering history, early stamp issues and currency changes, this information is designed to aid the collector in identifying their stamps and also to provide an historical reference for the information contained on the stamps.

"Only a year after the 8th edition SG have published the 9th. Something must be going on in China Philately! …now has a 6 page design index for the P.R. China. A very useful addition…. If you want to stay up to date, get the latest prices and take in the improvements in the catalogue, you need to have it. All in all the SG catalogue is the most comprehensive listing of the China area." - David Sibley, Journal of Chinese Philately No 394 (Vol. 58 No 5) July 2012

1. Китайская империя 14. Почта России
2. Китайския императорская почта 15. Почтовый агентства США в Шанхае
3. Китайская Республика 16. Китайские почтовые отделения в Корее
4. Китайские провинции 17. Японская оккупация Гонконга
5. Коммунистический Китай 18. Kiachow
6. Японская оккупация Китая 19. Гуанчжоу
7. Британские почтовые отделения в Китае 20. Британская почтовая служба в Макао
8. Китай экспедиционных сил 21. Маньчжоу-Го
9. Французские почтовые отделения в Китае 22. Тибет
10. Немецкие почтовые отделения в Китае 23. Китайская Народная Республика
11. Индо-китайские почтовые отделения 24. Гонконг
12. Итальянские почтовые отделения 25. Макао
13. Японские почтовые отделения 26. Тайвань


10 600 руб


8 000 руб
(копия + флеш-карта)

5 500 руб

4 000 руб
Каталоги Stanley Gibbons
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